10 Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle

Get ready because I’m giving you 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle!

Let’s be real, living a healthy lifestyle is not an easy task, but absolutely more than possible! Heck I even decided to purse a healthy lifestyle and lost 45 pounds.

Whether you are trying to lose weight or pursue a healthy lifestyle, you can do this! You have to make the decision to commit to yourself and I promise you will be unstoppable!

Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t about being perfect. It’s about finding a routine that works for you because no one wants to pursue a healthy lifestyle they won’t enjoy.

Your routines will keep you grounded. Balance and discipline is what makes it lifestyle!

This post is all about 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle!

1. Start each morning with a grateful heart

Starting off your morning with gratitude truly sets the tone for your day. Although everything in your life might not be where you want it to be, you do have AT LEAST 1 thing to be grateful for.

There’s something about journaling your gratitude and thoughts that makes you feel unstoppable.

I purchased a journal at Target, but there so many similar ones like this one on Amazon.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle

This one is perfect is you enjoy guided journaling. They are all over Tiktok and Instagram. I highly recommend!

2. Move your body in some way you enjoy

First let me say you don’t have to look a certain way in order to feel like you need to workout.

You can enjoy exercising by going to the gym, hot girl walks, Pilates, hot yoga and there’s so many more!

Not to mention, there are so many benefits to working out like the endorphin boost (happy hormones), total confidence booster and allows you to be more productive throughout the day.

The more you focus on actually ENJOYING the exercise then forcing yourself to workout, the easier it will be.

3. Hydration is key

I cannot stress enough how important hydration is. You see that picture of me at the top of the blog post. That water bottle is my best friend!

I’m sure you’ll want to grab it too, so I’ll drop the link here!

It’s my goal to drink 2 of these of day. If you are trying to increase your water intake I highly recommend getting this water bottle because it’s so easy for you to keep track of everything. They even have the motivational phrases to keep you going throughout the day.

4. Cook more meals at home

Cooking has changed the game. Cooking at home gives YOU the creative freedom to make the flavor however you would like. This allows you to control how much sodium and extra ingredients go into your food.

Lets look at the pros….

  • SAVE money! Buy your groceries for the week, plan your meals and cook!

  • SAVE time! Think about all the other things you could be doing at home while you cook your dinner at home.

  • SAVE calories! YOU have the FREEDOM to taste your food to however you would like. Enjoy!

If you need some kitchen inspo…don’t worry I got you!

5. Create routines that you enjoy

Your routines will literally save you! Your routines should be something that you enjoy. It shouldn’t feel forced.

When you wake up in the morning you should look forward to the things that get your day started.

I recently just started ice rolling and making this AMAZING iced matcha and now these are things that I look forward to in the morning.

When you get ready for bed at night, be sure to incorporate things into your routine that naturally allow your body to relax so that it’s easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

This could be anything like lighting a candle and journaling and enjoying your skincare routine.

6. Say yes to the things that make you shine

We all have those things that make us shine! You know, those things that make you feel alive. Keep doing those things.

Those things make your feel alive for a reason. Don’t reject the feeling. Go after your dreams!

7. Increase your protein intake

If you are someone that doesn’t eat enough throughout the day or you find yourself late night snacking you probably need to increase your protein intake.

I am by no means a nutritional expert BUT I can share that eating between 100-120 grams of protein has helped me lose 45 pounds and keep the weight off.

This is my ABSOLUTE favorite protein powder!

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle

20 grams of protein. Plant based. Gluten Free. Vegan. Non- GMO. NO added sugar. Perfect right?!

I’ve been using this for the past year and ahhh it’s so good! I use it in smoothies and desserts! 10/10 recommend!

8. Speak life into yourself

The way you talk to yourself matters. Read that again.

If you are always talking down to yourself…guess how that’s going to make you feel. After you say it enough, you’ll start to believe it. Once you believe it, it’s over.

Speak kindly to yourself because it WILL affect you. If this is something you struggle with, try writing or saying positive affirmations like this

  • I am loved

  • I am kind

  • I am important

  • I am beautiful

  • I am allowed to take up space

  • I am more than my worst thoughts

  • I am not my mistakes

  • Today is a new day

I tried this when I was not in best place and it really helped me.

9. Yes, you can have the Crumbl cookie

It’s all about balance right?! I would be lying if I said that I never indulged in a cookie or a sweet treat. Crumbl cookies might be unhealthy but they are GOOD!

So yes, it’s okay to indulge in a cookie every once in a while. You will not always eat in a caloric deficit. Life isn’t about always being a deficit. It was made to enjoy.

So when you feel like enjoying the cookie or sweet treat…enjoy it!

10. Enjoy the journey

This is all a journey. No one expects to be perfect. A journey means that you have to roll with the ebbs and flows.

There will be days when you feel like you are on cloud nine and there will be days when you don’t feel like doing anything.

There will be days when you are eating very clean and days when you just say screw it and order pizza.

Nonetheless, no your progress won’t be gone if you take a day off or choose to indulge.

Make decisions based on how they make YOU feel about your body!

This post was all about 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle!

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