3 Super Easy & Healthy Snacks

I don’t know about you, but I’m a snacker. Before starting my journey to building a healthy lifestyle I was always so scared to eat in fear of gaining weight, but the complete opposite happened when I started snacking more.

Remember when I talked about how I lost 45 pounds?! One of the key ways was because I enjoyed 2-3 snacks between meals to keep me fueled throughout the day.

If you’re on a journey like I am, snacking needs to become your best friend. If you don’t know where to get started, I’ve got you covered!

In this blog I’ll talk about my top 3 healthy snacks for all you ladies!

healthy snacks

Photo by S'well on Unsplash

For those that like it cold: So if you’re like me and you love making smoothies, then you’ll love this one. Smoothies are the best and in my opinion the easiest way to get the perfect balance of protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats, and greens right after a workout or whenever you want something that you know will satisfy those hunger cravings. Let’s make it together! Layer the ingredients in your blender like this: 

  1. A huge handful of spinach or kale

  2. ½  cup of frozen mixed berries

  3. 1 tbsp of almond butter and ground flaxseed

  4. Don’t forget 1 scoop of your favorite plant-based protein powder

  5. Last but not least, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk or water

  6. Blend, blend, blend and enjoy!

For those that want something on the go: I cannot tell you how much I LOVE Chomps! Chomps are for all my busy ladies who need something quick and easy on the go. It’s keto, paleo, Whole30 approved, pure protein with no added sugar! I mean….does it get any better than this? Enjoy 1 Chomps stick with a side of ¼ cup of almonds or cashews and you have the perfect balance of protein and healthy fats! 

For the homebodies: A yogurt parfait is simple yet sooo yummy. This is my favorite snack when I’m working at my desk or binge watching my favorite Netflix shows. 

  1. Start off with ¾ cup of nonfat plain greek yogurt. 

  2. Add ½ cup of your favorite berries (strawberries and black berries are my favorite).

  3. Top it off with 1 tbsp of your favorite nut butter, I love almond butter or crunchy peanut butter. *The only ingredients should be almonds/peanuts and salt

  4. Drizzle with your favorite granola, I love this KIND Dark Chocolate Granola and enjoy!

Whether you’re at the office, at home or on the go these 3 snack options will keep you far from hangry. Nourish your body with the perfect balance of protein, healthy fats and healthy carbs to keep you energized throughout the day. 


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