7 PRACTICAL Tips: How to Change Your Lifestyle

Are you ready to learn how to change your lifestyle?!

Learning how to change your lifestyle is actually easier than you think. It all comes down to your mindset and simple habits.

What’s your aim? Why do you want to change your lifestyle? How is this going to help you?

Get specific about the things you want. Be intentional about pouring into yourself. Take it one day at a time and watch your life transform.

This post is all about how to change your lifestyle!

1. Why do you want to change your lifestyle?

What’s your aim? What has gotten you to the place that you are at right now?

Without aim, you lack structure. Are you doing this because you want to or because someone else wants you to.

Dig into your intrinsic motives. What hole is this going to fill? Spend time reflecting on

2. Self Reflect

Now is it’s time to get your mind right. Reflect on the experiences that have led up to you wanting to change your lifestyle. Your mind is your most powerful tool.

The biggest way to fix your mind is by keeping your “why” in front of you. At all times.

You have to get it in your mind that you need to change your lifestyle. If you struggle to do this remind yourself why you started, your current position and where you’re headed.

Understand and remind yourself that this season is temporary. You will come out of this.

3. Set Realistic Goals

Now that you have it in your mind that you are going to change your lifestyle, set realistic goals. What are the thing(s) that you want to accomplish in the next 2 weeks, 30 days or even 60 days.

When you set these goals make sure that they fit your lifestyle. Realistic goals should almost be too easy to accomplish while being a bit challenging.

For example, if you know that waking up at 5am to exercise before work is not realistic for you, that should not be a goal.

Try setting a goal waking up 30 minutes earlier than you normally would. Make your bed. Drink your morning cup. Journal. Pray. Allow yourself to adjust. Once you adjust to this, start with 10 minutes of movement and gradually increase to your comfort level.

4. Change Your Environment

One practical way that you can change your lifestyle is by changing your environment. This could be the place that you physically reside, your mental environment, work environment or the environment you subconsciously create.

Most of the time when you are preparing for a new thing it will require you to change your environment. Changing your environment pushes you out of your comfort zone and challenges think out of the box. Growth can’t come in comfort

Growth can’t come in comfort and you can’t heal in the same environment that made you ill.

5. Shift your mindset

This is the game changer. Your mindset should be centered around seeing your new lifestyle change as a step towards positive change. 

No it’s not necessarily easy but it’s a lifestyle change you won’t regret.

For example, say you’re used to doing the same thing and comfortable in your routine. It’s not to say there’s anything wrong with being comfortable in your routine, but sometimes you can get a little too comfortable.

When you stay in the mindset it can be difficult for change to take place.

Let’s learn how to change that!

For example, if you’re used to waking up right before you go to work, a goal could be to wake up earlier so that you can eat breakfast, make your lunch and spend time with yourself. Fill your cup before you have to pour into others. 

6. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs keep you stagnant and keep you further away from your goals. This is often seen through comparison and a lack of self worth. 

It’s also more formally known as imposter syndrome. In its simplest terms, deep down you know you’re that but there’s that little voice that tells you the opposite. It’s okay we’ve all been there.

It’s time to stand up, say NO to that voice and remind yourself WHO you are.

This is where you really have to lock in.

If you notice yourself repeating the same negative self-talk take notice of that and correct it in the moment. 

Here are some things to correct

I’m just a… → I am….

I don’t have → I have

I’m not pretty → I am beautiful

I’m not smart → I am smart

Switch the narrative. Flip the switch

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyday you’re getting 1% better!

7. Focus On Your Daily Habits

There’s power in your daily habits. Your daily habits are the ways that you pour into yourself every single day. These are the stepping stones in your daily routine.

It’s more than just going through the basic routine.

It’s about you being intentional about the things you do. 

For example, making your bed helps you decrease your stress levels and motivates you to start your day.

It’s the way you spend intentional time with yourself before the day begins so that you can stay sane.

A few examples daily habits you can add into your daily routine

  • 30 minutes of exercise

  • 5 minutes of prayer

  • 5 minutes of journal

  • Making a healthy breakfast

  • Meal prepping your lunch

All it takes is one simple habit like making your bed or washing your face to help you get going.

Your daily habits give you structure and help you day flow with ease. 

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