How to Declutter Your Mind

Are you ready to learn REALISTIC tips how to declutter your mind?

It’s that time of year where you can finally learn how to declutter your mind and USE it in your life. I’m talking a full cleanse!

When your mind is cluttered that means it’s time to get organized. It’s time to take some time for yourself. It’s time to reset. It’s time to release

The EASIEST way to do this is to put everything on hold and take care of yourself. Life can wait. I promise. You can’t!

This post is all about how to declutter your mind!

1. Release control and breathe

The first and always the hardest step to declutter your mind is to understand that in order to do this, you have to release control.

Yeah, I know, it’s hard, but totally possible and most importantly, 1000% necessary in order to get through this season.

Releasing control means that you trust that God has a plan that is better than the one you created without Him. It means surrendering your desires for His.

You don’t have to do it on your own.

Next, take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Everything will be okay. You will get through this. The pain is temporary. Joy is around the corner.

2. Write it down

Or talk it out! Whichever one works for you. Writing your feelings down, whether positive or negative, gives you the chance to release it. It isn’t healthy for you to hold everything in.

This is perfect for the person that likes to communicate their feelings through their writing or doesn’t know how to talk to someone about it. Yes, that’s okay!

I recommend using a journal like this so you can write your thoughts out!

Whichever method works best for you, these feelings have to come out, somehow!

3. Go for a walk

Or go to the gym or head to your favorite workout class. When your mind is decluttered, you’re stressed and you need an outlet!

There truly is no better outlet than some form of exercise or movement. This gives you the chance to step away from work, life, your space, etc. and clear your head.


4. Prioritize your well being

Your well being can be summed up as you! Your life, the decisions you make, etc. I know this is easier said than done, but if you don’t like something change it.

Evaluate everything that you like and dislike in your life. Ask yourself WHY you do the things you don’t like and make a plan to change it.

When your mind is decluttered, your thoughts are staggered. You might be so focused on everything else that is going on around you, that it’s hard for you to think about yourself.

5. Control the controllable

I know you hear this all the time…but it’s true! Focus on what you can control! The more you invest time into the things you can control 1) the less stressed you’ll be and 2) the more you’re able to focus on the things that you actually enjoy!

Think about it, focusing on what you can’t control only clutters your mind more and makes you feel defeated. When you feel defeated you aren’t able to focus on the things you can enjoy.

But what about the things you can’t control? Don’t worry, in due time everything will work out like it’s supposed to.

6. Eliminate distractions

Distractions are triiiccckkkyyy because they’re everywhere, literally everywhere and let’s be real sometimes they are real difficult to avoid.

Distractions can be anything from social media, Netflix, Youtube, Tiktok, friends, family, idols and sneaky links (haha). It’s basically anything that causes you to put your life, goals, desires on pause to give attention to. It interrupts your flow.

Think about it. Is the distraction REALLY worth it? Probably not, sis!

7. Make a decision and stick with it

This one is for all my indecisive girlies. So you need to make a decision. You don’t know what to do. But you KNOW you need to make a decision.

I know it’s easier said than done, but being indecisive will drive you to insanity. It drives me to insanity. Insanity leads to a cluttered mind and we don’t have time for that!

Pray about it, make a decision, STICK with it and move forward.

8. Clear your space

I don’t know about you, but a clear space equals a clear mind. Sometimes a cluttered mind this HUGE thing. Sometimes we just make it like that in our heads.

If cleaning your entire room, apartment or house overwhelms you, start with one space.

For example, if you spend a lot of time in your office and your desk is cluttered (cluttered desk = cluttered mind), set a timer for 5-10 minutes and focus on cleaning that space only!

If you feel like you can keep going after that, keep going! Whatever you decide to do, clean at least one space and see how much better you feel.


9. Step away from your work

Seriously, take a break! Sometimes you are sooo overwhelmed because work is a lot. I get it! No, this isn’t your sign to quit your job, but this IS your sign to step away for work and let your mind breathe.

If you have a desk job, your body might be tense and you probably need to stretch your muscle. Go outside for some fresh air. If you can’t go outside, give your eyes a break from staring at the computer all day and

Practice doing some deep breathes. Inhale for 1,2,3. Exhale for 1,2,3. You can literally do this in the bathroom stall!

Your work can wait. It’s not going anywhere. You can’t continue to poor from an empty cup.

This post was all about how to declutter your mind!

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