5 LIFE CHANGING Hacks: How to Stay Disciplined

Are you ready to learn how to stay disciplined?!

The key to stay disciplined is sticking to your non negotiables. Think about the things in your morning and night routines that HAVE to get done.

Motivation is what gets you started, discipline is what keeps you going! You can’t always rely on motivation because it will only get so far.

Discipline is a mindset. Once you lock in and focus on your goals, it will become second nature.

This post is all about how to stay disciplined!

1. Where is your aim?

Start by focusing on one area that you want to be more disciplined in. Is this in your career, routines, entrepreneurship, content creation, school, etc?

For example, if you want to be more disciplined in your morning routine, you need to write it out and just focus on that.

Without aim, this will leave you feeling even more scrambled. When you focus on one area of your life this will overflow into the other areas of life.

2. Create your non negotiables

While focusing on being more disciplined in your morning routine, what are the habits that set you up for success?

These are called your non negotiables. You have to view them as habits that have to get done. If it becomes an option or you tell yourself “well maybe” or “if I have time” then you start to internalize it as something that is not important.

You taking care of yourself is important. You have to pour into your cup before you can pour someone else’s.


3. Always plan ahead

Heavy emphasis on always. When you plan ahead this prevents hiccups in the future.

Let’s be real things come up. You never know if some tasks might take more or less time. Write out a to do list.

If you know you have a busy week ahead of you, write out all the tasks that you have to get done in that week.

Break up those tasks into things you have to get down throughout the week in the order of most important to least important.

Use that beginning of the week motivation to get those tasks done. This will help you feel like your to do list is not pilling up at the end of the week.

4. Start small

It’s all about starting small and starting simple. If you want to master discipline in your morning routine, think about things that you can start adding into your routine that are going to increase your productivity.

These are small habits like waking up 10 minutes earlier, journaling, working out, making breakfast, meal prepping your lunch.

Focus on starting small and ADDING into your routine. When you start adding things to your routine, this replaces the old habits

5. Celebrate your accomplishments

Set a goal and keep track of your progress. For example, say it’s your goal to wake up at 6am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Be intentional about meeting this goal and track if this goal was met or not. If you reached your goal, congratulations! You can continue with the same goal or challenge yourself to wake up at 6am one more day.

If you didn’t reach your goal, don’t be too hard on yourself. Reflect on where you could have done better and adjust for next time.

This post was all about how to stay disciplined!

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