5 Life Changing Ideas for the Ultimate Lifestyle Goals List

Are you ready to learn about the BEST lifestyle goals list?

Are you at a complete loss on where to start when creating your new lifestyle goals list?

This list is proven to work and help you build the healthy lifestyle you’ve always desired.

Coming from someone that has literally spent the last almost 2 years creating a healthy lifestyle and losing 45 pounds, girl I got you covered.

This post is all about lifestyle goals list.

  1. Start each morning with a grateful heart

    Starting each morning with a grateful heart will seriously change your outlook on everything.

    When you wake up stressed and consumed by everything, but the things you are grateful for, it’s more likely for you to not have the best day.

    This is something that I’ve had to slowly allow myself to get into the routine of doing because shifting your mind isn’t easy, but it so so worth it.

    Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the things we don’t have, or the things yet to come that we miss the little things that make everything better.

    The one thing that has helped me do this is reading the Bible. It always reminds that there’s always something to be grateful for and God’s goodness and unfailing love is always available to us no matter what I’m going through.

I love this Bible because there are lines in the margins where I can jot down thoughts and prayers while I’m reading. This helps me bring the Bible to life and communicate with God in a way that is most beneficial for me.

If you’re looking for a book that will inspire you to create your ultimate lifestyle, click here to buy!

2. Create a daily routine

Girl, I’m going to start sounding like a broken record if you don’t think you need a daily routine. Routines are lifesavers.

Routines allow you to get so much more out of your day and really start building those habits to create the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

You’ll want to grab your journal and pen for this because here’s my exact method I use when I’m creating my daily routine. If it worked for me, I know it’ll work for you.

Creating a daily routine is going to save you the unwanted stress and headaches of literally everything else in life.

Do yourself a favor and create a routine that works best for you.

First things first, you need a cute journal!

I have a few of these and I honestly love them so much it'll be the only journal I’ll use. They’re super affordable (like $12, can’t pass that up) and it comes in a ton of colors.

I know it’s your basic journal, but you won’t regret having the space to be creative and write down your daily routines and lifestyle goals list. Click here to purchase it!

After you get your journal, write down the things you need to get done in the morning before work or school, during the day and at night.

This helps you go into the day focused on exactly what you need to do. This will help the flow of your day move with ease because you know what’s next.

Be as specific as possible making note of the times, locations and deadlines. Be sure not to overschedule your routine to the point that you’re not stressed or able to get everything done.

Here’s an example of how I did mine!

3. Make a list of your daily to-do’s

This lifestyle goal is one that you’re going to want to add to your list because it keeps you on track.

Okay, I know this might sound a lot like your daily routine, but I promise it’s different. Your daily to-do’s are the specific tasks you want to accomplish everyday.

I know sometimes it’s hard to slow down and plan out what you need to get done when everything is moving so fast, but I promise you, this step saves you so much time.

You might find that your daily routine goes hand and hand with your daily to-do’s because as you create your routine, it’s going to become easier for you to add things that help you build the lifestyle you desire.

Here’s my exact method for how I create my daily to-do’s.

I use my favorite planner to plan out everything that needs to get done based on my routine. This includes any task, events or assignments that need to get done.


Okay when I say you need this planner, ruuunnnn and get it! I use this every single day to plan out my daily to- do’s so that I can keep me on track for every I want to accomplish. Click to get yours here!

When you’re creating your daily to-do’s, think about the specific things you want to accomplish whether big or small and make it happen!

Here’s an example of how mine looks!

{RELATED POST: 7 Healthy Habits to Build a Healthy Lifestyle}

4. Add strength training to your workout routine

When it comes to losing a few pounds and toning your body, strength training is where it’s at!

Adding strength training into your routine 2-3 times a week can seriously help add definition to your body. This can easily take your average workout to the next level and push your limits.

If you prefer to workout in the morning, this will give you the much needed endorphin boost to jumpstart your morning (and trust me it’s the best feeling!).

When you strength train, it’s important to work different areas of your body to make sure your entire body is being worked properly. For example, you can work lower body one day and upper body the next.

Don’t be afraid to lift weights. It can be beneficial no matter what your body goals are. Lifting weights doesn’t automatically mean you will get bulky, but they will make you stronger.

So in order for you to do this you will definitely need some equipment. You have a few options. Dumbbells and/or resistance bands.

Personally, there’s nothing like picking up a set of dumbbells. On the other hand, resistance bands can seriously challenge you like never before (like seriously you will feeelll the burn).

These 10-pound dumbbells are super easy to add into your workout routine for that extra push.

I purchased these a few years ago when I started my and they were the perfect addition to my routine. They can easily sit in your garage, home gym or apartment. Click here to get yours!

On the other hand, the resistance bands are next level. They’re fun and colorful resistance bands that you can easily take with you whenever you want to get your sweat on!

I purchased these last year and I love to take them with me when I travel or if I don’t feel like going to the gym. These are super easy for at home workouts that deliver the same burn as a dumbbell. Click here to get your resistance bands!

As you can tell, strength training is a must if you are planning on looking to take your workout routine to the next level.

5. Do something that makes you feel good

I feel like this lifestyle goal is definitely one you’ll need to add to your list. This is the one you’ll want to choose to work on for the rest of the year and can easily become a long term goal.

The thing about feeling good is that it truly starts from within. I know this is hard, but you really have to ask yourself what you like and why you like those things.

What feelings are associated with the things that make you feel good?

For example, one thing that makes me feel good is spending time with myself. During this time, I like to cook a meal and watch my favorite show.

This makes me feel good because I strive to work on myself and build the lifestyle I want. Other times, this looks like going shopping, getting my hair done or spending time with my friends.

Now it’s your turn! Grab your journal and write down a few things that would make you feel good.

These don’t have to be big or expensive. Make sure this is something personal to you.

This should be easy to add into your daily routine. Just choose ONE thing that makes you feel good and commit to it.

Always remember that if you show up for yourself first so that you can be your best for others!

This post was all about the ultimate lifestyle goals list.

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