11 Game Changing Self Improvement Habits

Are you ready for LIFE CHANGING self improvement habits?

The best self improvement habits are the ones that make YOU feel like THAT girl! I’m talking about the girl that’s on her A game. She knows her self worth. She’s taking those steps every day to improve herself because she knows it will be worth it.

Forming self improvement habits takes TIME because well, habits take time to form. Just remember, consistency is key.

At the end of the day, everyone can tell you which habits to create, but truth is it takes time to find the ones that work for YOU and YOUR lifestyle. Be patient with yourself and it will pay off!

This blog post is all about self improvement habits!

1. Who do you want to be?

Before you start forming habits, think. Who do you truly want to be? How are you going to show up as HER? Where do you see yourself in the next 6 months to a year? If that’s too much to think about, what about tomorrow, next week or even next month?

You have to write the vision and make it plain. Grab your favorite journal and write it out. Grab your laptop and type your visions. Create a vision board. Make your dreams come to life!

After you do this, put it somewhere in plain sight where you can see it everyday. The visions do no good if you can’t see them:)

2. Shift your mindset

Shift your mindset so that you understand that self improvement takes work. It requires adjustments. It might be a little uncomfortable. Keep your “why” in front of you. This will keep you grounded and focused.

Shifting your mindset allows you to evaluate the things that are working for and against you. It becomes easier to replace habits that are not serving you with ones that are.

3. Wake up earlier

It’s something about waking up before the sun rises that makes you feel unstoppable. However you define waking up earlier, challenge yourself to form the habit of doing this.

Use that extra time to workout, eat breakfast, do your makeup, make a healthy lunch, or get a head start on your list of to-do’s. It doesn’t always have to be the most lavish things. You are a priority! You’ll thank yourself for the extra time.

4. Budget your money

This is a critical life skill that can take you very far the sooner you learner it. Budgeting your money is like learning to master the art of discipline (because yes, budgeting takes discipline).

In order to budget your money, you have to understand where your money is going! Look at subscriptions and random purchases. Most of the time it’s the little purchases that add up a little too quickly!

Take care of the necessities first! Prioritize your needs (rent, utilities, groceries, student loans, etc).

SAVE your money! Before you spend any other money, transfer a certain amount to your savings that’s a good percentage of your monthly income that almost forces you to focus your purchases on what you need while still having wiggle room.

Budget for your subscriptions, random Target runs, spontaneous Sephora sprees and of course, travel!

Look into different streams of income. This can be you building your business on the side while you work a 9-5 or picking up a second job, Sometimes the problem isn’t always that your money is leaving, its that you don’t have enough money coming in.

5. Invest in self improvement books

You don’t have to do this alone, spend a ton of money or reinvent the wheel! There are TONS of self improvement books ready to help on you on your journey. Pick up your favorite one below!

6. Celebrate your wins

If no one else hypes you up, you HAVE to be your biggest hype girl! Celebrating your accomplishments isn’t just about the “big” ones. Wins come in all different shapes and sizes.

The key to celebrating is understanding that they look differently in different seasons. For one, this could be getting out of bed and making breakfast. For another, this could be losing 5 pounds in a month.

7. Plan your week, saves SO much time!

Planning is one of those things that you might think you don’t need to do because it “takes too much time” but in reality you’re saving yourself a lot of time. Plus, it will help you go into the week with a clear mind!

The best way to plan your week is by using a planner!

I love using this planner! It’s my daily go to planner when I need to jot down my list of to-do’s. It helps me be more productive and stay motivated to get work done throughout the day!

8. Keep a tidy space

Clear space, clear mind. For some this might mean doing weekly resets and for others it might mean doing monthly resets.

These also include the everyday habits to keep your space clean like making your bed, washing the dishes and cleaning up after yourself.

A tidy space doesn’t just mean a physical space. It also includes your mental space. Take some time to declutter your mind. Go for a walk. Spend some time outside. Take yourself on a date. Catch up with an old friend. Plan a girl’s night out.

9. Prioritize sleep

Yes, you need rest. Our bodies need sleep every single night. Aim for 7-9 hours every night. This will allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Sleep should be a non negotiable. No you don’t need to work around the clock and constantly sacrifice sleep to achieve your dreams. There has to be a balance.

10. Eat healthy meals throughout the day

Eat meals that nourish your body. Challenge yourself to cook more meals at home. Meal prep so you have meals ready to go.

This allows you to know exactly what’s going into your body and eliminates the junk. Sometimes, it’s the junk and excess ingredients that makes us feel slumped throughout the day.

11. Stick to your routines

At the end of the day, only YOU know what works best for you. Once you find those habits that work for you, STICK to them!

This means that you like them and they align with the direction you want to go. Furthermore, give yourself grace for the times when you have to be flexible and adapt because yes, there will be times when you can’t check every.single.thing off your checklist.

This post was all about self improvement habits!

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