10 LIFE CHANGING Healthy Eating Habits

Are you ready for these life changing healthy eating habits?!

Healthy eating is all about creating habits that work for you. It’s about having your go to meals and snacks on hand so that you can make sure you are staying on top of your goals.

The term “healthy” is subjective to what you need to eat to fuel your body. It’s not always about eating what’s “right”. Commit to making small changes and watch those habits grow over time.

Eating healthy is about fueling your body nutrient dense foods. These are the foods that will keep you fuller for longer. When you stay fuller longer, you are less likely to eat processed foods.

This post is all about 10 healthy eating habits!

1. Start Where You Can

In order for the healthy habits to stick, you have to start where you can. Make it plain and simple.

If meal prepping every.single.meal does not work for you, then don’t do it! Set realistic goals for things that fit your lifestyle and roll with that.

2. Plan Your Meals

Go into the week with a plan. What meals are you going to prep? What does your grocery list look like?

What are you cooking for dinner? Or are you ordering take out? Make a plan. Stick to it and adjust as needed.

3. Don’t Cut The Carbs

You can still eat healthy and enjoy the rice, pasta and bread. These are complex carbs that your body uses for energy.

Especially if you’re getting ready for an intense workout or even Pilates, your body needs carbs.

You can also enjoy the carbs from fruits and vegetables like apples, mixed berries, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.

As long as you are not eating excessive amounts of these foods, you’re on the right track!

4. Add More Veggies To Your Plate

You know how your mom always told you to eat your veggies? She was right.

When it comes to building your plate, add all the leafy greens to your plate. Focus on filling up your plate up with nutrient dense vegetables like asparagus, zucchini, squash, green beans and leafy greens.

5. Prioritize Protein

The more you focus on prioritizing your protein intake the more likely you are to stay fuller throughout the day and lose weight.

Your body needs protein, especially if you are working out to keep you fueled and repair your muscles.

When you are creating your grocery list make sure that you have an ample amount of protein based on nutrition goals.

You can divide this between protein, healthy fats like nuts, seeds and nut butters and healthy carbs like Banza Noodles.

Download the free healthy grocery list that lays the foundation for your next trip to the grocery store!

6. Water is Your BFF

Hydration is a key healthy habit to develop. If you are a beginner, start where you feel comfortable and progress from there.

This will also help you keep you fuller longer so you aren’t hangry.

Prioritizing water helps keep you hydrated, keep your skin clear and helps you make more informed decisions when it comes to your meals.

7. If You’re Hungry…Eat!

Healthy eating does not mean don’t eat. If you are hungry…eat.

Don’t turn to junk. Grab an apple and almond butter, a protein smoothie, chicken salad or your favorite low sugar protein bar.

8. Focus on Your Mindset

Tell yourself that you can do this. You can eat healthy. You are capable of eating healthy. You enjoy eating healthy.

When you begin to develop healthy eating habits, it’s important that you are your ultimate hype woman.

It’s already inside you. You just have to take the first step.

9. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

Having healthy snacks on hand like your favorite fruits, yogurt, energy balls and rice cakes can save you from being hangry.

This also helps you eat consistently during the day so you don’t overeat at night.

{RELATED POST: 9 Healthy Snack Brands to Curve Your Sugar Cravings}

10. Be Mindful of Your Sodium and Sugar Intake

Try cooking more meals at home. This allows you to get creative in the kitchen. You can control the ingredients that are going in your food.

Be mindful of how much and what types of food you order out. The sodium and sugar add up and over time it will show in your waist line.

This post is all about 10 healthy eating habits!

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