How to Build The Best Daily Routine In 5 Easy Steps

Let’s get into how to build the best daily routine!

Your best daily routine comes down to your non-negotiables. What are the things you’re committing to do everyday that make you feel like you’re that girl.

As you’re creating your daily routine, think about the things that increase your energy and mood, help you sleep better and nourish your mind, body and soul.

The best daily routine is the one that you’re excited about. There are SO many daily routines on social media. I encourage you to watch for inspiration. In order for your routine to stick…for good, you have to choose what’s best for you.

This post is all about the best daily routine!

1. What Fills Your Cup?

When you picture your ideal life, who is she? What does she do in the morning before work? How does she unwind before bed?

What are the things you look forward to that make you feel like you’re that girl? Yes, you are that girl!

These could be things like exercising, prayer, meditation, having a cup of coffee or tea, doing your makeup, etc. 

The things you’re thinking about are called habits. Habits are building blocks that form your daily routine. 

If you think about it, you have a routine. Even if it’s rolling out of bed, scrolling on your phone and drinking your coffee while wrapped in your favorite blanket it’s still a routine.

I’m challenging you to push the norm. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Spoiler alert, you’re getting ready to build your best daily routine so get ready to step into the best version of yourself.

2. Exercise Is a Non Negotiable

Just get the workout done. You absolutely have to move your body in some way. 

If exercise is new to you, start with a walk. Walking is one of the habits that will push you in the right direction along your weight loss journey. 

Find an ideal time that works for you. Mornings are best because you can get it out of the way and have the rest of the day.

If you prefer working out in the evening, have a friend hold you accountable and enter the workout with a plan

Sometimes, the last thing I’m worried about is working out after a long day.

You should know exactly what exercises you are doing, how long it’ll take and where it will be taking place.

The more specific you get, the easier the workout will be for you.

When it comes to exercise you have to go in with the mindset that exercising is a non negotiable. 

When you think of non-negotiables you think of it as something you have to do. It’s not a want. It’s not a punishment. You’re doing this for yourself.

Adapt this mindset during the times when you don’t feel like it, life gets in the way or you “fall off”.

You’re going to notice an increase in your energy, you’ll sleep better, your body will crave a working and you’ll genuinely want to make better decisions for yourself.

You gotta make it work for you, sis!

3. Eat Nourishing Foods

Food is healing. Eating food that nourishes your body is an automatic mood booster and helps keep your hunger levels stay level.

The key food groups you want to focus on are protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats, and veggies.

These are your macronutrients that ensure you have a balanced plate and get the adequate amount of nutrients.

The easiest way to make sure this fits into your schedule is by meal prepping. You know  her, you love her!

Meal prepping makes your life SO much easier. Choose one meal that you want to meal prep. The one meal that would make your life easier.

Hack: choose a basic meal but add that flavor that makes it taste the way you want.

For example, if you decide to meal prep your lunch stick to your key macronutrients and get creative with it.

You can make teriyaki chicken bowls, pesto chicken pasta, mediterranean salad, chicken wraps, etc. 

Feel free to swap out your desired protein, carbs, veggies for what you want to make it taste the way you want.

YouFind more inspo HERE

4. Stay Consistent

Consistency and discipline are key. Always keep your why in front of you.

Set times where you wake up and go to bed. 

Have a workout plan.

The more organized you are, the easier it will be to be consistent

Not only does consistency help you build the best daily routine but it helps you build your confidence and the fear of not showing up, missing a day, not doing everything right goes away.

WHen you know you’re in it for the long run, 1 missed day or week won’t affect you as much because it’s a lifestyle.

Furthermore, consistency isn’t about showing up every single day. 

Think + reflect: what does consistency look like to you?

Consistency is about committing to the day that work for you. 

Building your daily routine is that seamless flow with you. It’s knowing that you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you completed your workout even if you didn’t do the exact workout that was planned.

Once you get into the flow of your routine, consistency will become effortless.

In the beginning, it’s key that you track your habits. This will help you stay consistent.

5. Make a List and Be Specific

As you plan your day, week, month make a list. Write down everything you want to accomplish that day. 

I’m talking about your daily routines. In the morning, what are your non-negotiables? 

Before you go to bed, what are your non-negotiables? 

Grab your Daily Planner and write down your to-do list. Your non negotiables. 

The key? Be as specific as possible. 

When you make your list, write it in chronological  order from the morning to night and everything in between. 

Focus on doing the important things, not filling your list with having to do absolutely everything. 

Pick your top 3-5 non negotiable tasks to add to create the best daily routine. 

The best thing about routines is that nothing is permanent. Feel free to move things around. Every once in a while you’re going to want to break your routine and that’s okay. Sometimes, that’s necessary.

This post was all about the best daily routine!


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