11 Best Foods For Gut Health and Weight Loss

Let’s get into the best foods for gut health and weight loss!

If you didn’t know, gut health and weight loss go hand and hand. Your gut is like your second brain. Whenever you eat something that isn’t normally in your dietary regime, your gut and your skin responds to it.

It’s the same when it comes to weight loss. If your gut doesn’t respond well to a certain type of food chances are that you aren’t helping yourself when it comes to reaching your weight loss goals.

Here are a list of the best and most common foods that are full of prebiotics and probiotics. This is good bacteria for your gut to ensure that your digestive system flows as it should.

This post is all about the best foods for gut health and weight loss!

1. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt contains live cultures which is filled with probiotics. It’s an AMAZING source of protein!

Because it is such a great source of protein, this helps your body recover faster after workouts.

2. Avocados

Avocados are an amazing addition to any plate. This healthy fat powerhouse aids in digestion. They help you feel fuller longer so you’re less likely to overeat.

Don’t underestimate them!

3. Kombucha

GTS Kombucha is the best kombucha. Kombucha is like a superfood for your gut. Each bottle of GTS Kombucha has 9 BILLION living probiotics. No added sugar. Pure gold.

If you struggle with drinking sugary drinks, this is an amazing alternative!

4. Salmon

Salmon is an amazing source of protein (20+ grams). It’s full of Vitamin D, B16 and B6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. These are all the good things for your body!

5. Asparagus

Probably on the best vegetables to help you debloat. It feeds your gut the good bacteria which helps you digest your meal better.

Most of the vegetable contains water which softens your stool and makes it easier for you to go to the bathroom.

6. Artichokes

Artichokes are another great vegetable that is PACKED with water! This are a great source of fiber and known as an amazing superfood.

They are a great prebiotic meaning that they support the growth of healthy bacteria.

7. Pineapples

Pineapples fight against inflammation and aids in digestion. They are perfect to your smoothies and yogurt bowls.

There are enzymes in pineapples that help break down protein to reduce bloating.

8. Cucumbers

Start buying the cucumbers with the seeds. Those seeds are the powerhouse nutrients that truly make a cucumber, a cucumber.

This mighty vegetable breaks down nutrients and helps things moving easy:)

9. Whole Grains

Think oatmeal and brown rice. Both of these of full of fiber. Fiber gets things moving.

Oatmeal helps to lower blood sugar levels and whole grains like brown rice help your digestive system by keeping your bowels moving.

10. Leafy Greens

Think spinach, dino kale, bok choy, argula and romaine. Not only are these an amazing source of vitamins and minerals but it supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

All of these vegetables are high in antioxidants and lowers your risk of heart disease.

When you start adding more greens into your routine, the fuller you will feel.

11. Apricots

Apricots are a great source of fiber and help relieve constipation. You can easily find these at your local grocery store.

It’s sweet, but not too sweet. Feel free to add these to into your oatmeal (double win), overnight oats, smoothies and even when you have a sweet tooth.

This post was all about the best foods for gut health and weight loss!

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