FREE At Home Full Body Dumbbell Workout Guide

Get ready to get toned AF with these full body dumbbell workouts all from the comfort of your home!

This full body workout guide is perfect if you are a beginner or want to start working out at home.

You don’t have to have the perfect at home gym, but a pair of 3-5 pound dumbbells is a great place to start!

This guide is perfect for those who workout at home, travel or spend a lot of time away from the traditional gym setting and still want to get a good sweat in!

You can complete these workouts 3 sets (3 times) and 8-12 reps per exercise. Repetition is the amount of times you complete each exercise. If you feel like you can do more, go for it!

Rest for 10-15 seconds in between each exercise and 1 minute in between each circuit.

Before you begin working out, be sure to warm up to get your blood flowing!

Grab those dumbbells and let’s get to sweating!

This post is all about your at home full body dumbbell workout!

First Circuit

1. Reverse lunges

Don’t let your knee drop to the floor. It should just barely hover the floor. Hold the dumbbells at your side or near the top of your shoulder. Complete 8 reverse lunges per leg.

2. Front raise to lateral raise

3-5 pound dumbbells are the perfect place to start. Engage your core. Keep your knees slightly bent. Complete 8 front raise to lateral raises.

3. Dead bugs

Get ready to work your core. Be sure the weight isn’t too much, 5 pound dumbbells are ideal. Take it slow until you get the rhythm of the movement. Complete 8 dead bugs per side.

4. Frog jumps

This cardio move is all about explosion and doesn’t require dumbbells. Move quickly, engage your core and keep your chest lifted. Complete 12 jumps total.

Repeat the first circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets. Take a 1 minute break and begin the second circuit.

Second Circuit

5. Curtsey lunge

Similar to reverse lunges, let your knee hover the floor but it shouldn’t touch the floor. Complete 8 curtsey lunges per leg.

6. Bicep curl to hammer curl

Slight bend in the knees. Keep your elbows stable by your side. If you’re struggling to raise the dumbbell, choose a lighter weight. Resistance bands are a great alternative! Complete 8 of these per arm.

7. Bird dogs

3-5 pound dumbbells are the perfect place to start. Don’t push yourself too hard. Stabilize yourself and allow your body to understand the flow of the movement. Complete 8 bird dogs per side.

8. Plank rows

3-5 pound dumbbells are ideal. Engage your core. The wider your stance the easier it is to stabilize yourself. Get ready to sweat. You’ll thank me later. Complete 4 plank rows per side.

Repeat the second circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets. After you are finished, transition into your cool down.

This post was all about your at home full body dumbbell workout!

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