8 LIFE CHANGING Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Get ready to learn about these exercise tips for weight loss!

When you are on a weight loss journey and you’re starting to exercise it’s important to stay focused and keep your eye your goal

Your goal could be to lose 10 pounds, start eating cleaner or stick to a consistent workout plan. When it comes to a plan, it’s all about structure.

These exercise tips will help you stay on track to ensure that you WILL stay and track and reach your weight loss goals! When you are setting a structure that works for you, ask yourself the following questions.

This posts is all about exercise tips for weight loss!

1. Morning or evening workouts?

Make a plan as to when you are going to workout. If you plan to workout in the morning, set your alarm 10 minutes earlier to give yourself time to wake up, get out of bed and prepare yourself for your workout.

Evening workouts are great too! If you prefer to workout in the evening after workout make sure that you know exactly what workout you are doing. Have your gym fit laid out. Have your socks and shoes ready.

The longer you wait to start, this decreases the likelihood of the workout getting done.

2. Home workouts or gym workouts?

Even workout studios works! If you prefer home workouts, stick to that. If you’re a gym workout girl, then do your thing!

Home workouts give you the freedom to do what you want from the comfort of your home. This is perfect for people who have at home workout space. This could be anything from your garage to your home office. Grab your dumbbells and get to it!


Gym workouts give you access to all of the equipment and resources to try the different machines.

Whichever one is your groove, stick to whichever one works for you.

3. Get those steps in!

Don’t know where to begin? Start by walking! If you have extra time throughout your day or in the evening, go for a walk.

Take advantage of the fact summer is almost here which means are days are getting longer. This means you’re able to take advantage of the sunshine. Perfect way to burn those extra calories!

4. Don’t sleep on non-exercise activity

Non-exercise activities is anything that is not eating, sleeping or exercising. This include cleaning your house, fidgeting, walking up and down the stairs. Basically anything that is not intentional exercise.

You expend energy when you do those things which means you are burning calories. Every bit counts and it goes towards your total daily energy expenditure.

5. Try different workouts

Different types of workouts are the perfect way to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Say you’re used to lifting weights or running everyday. Switch up your routine and try a yoga or Pilates class.

Yes, consistency is great, but when it comes to weight loss being stagnant is not beneficial.


6. Recover after your workouts

Stretch before and after you workout. This helps with your mobility and allows you to move more freely.

When active stretching, foam rolling and stretching after you workout are not a part of your routine, your muscles become tight and it limits your mobility.

Recovering after your workouts helps you CRUSH your next day of workout.

7. Prioritize rest

In order for your body to perform at it’s best, prioritizing rest should at the top of your list. Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Allow your body to relax before it’s time for you to fall asleep.

Rest also looks like you not overexercising. Overexercising can lead to fatigue, weight gain, limited mobility and excessive stress. When your body is working overtime it doesn’t have the time it needs to rest.

Your daily exercise should not need to be more than 30 to 45 minutes. The more pressure you put on your body to perform, the harder your body has to work to repair those muscles.

8. Pre workout snacks are key

They give you energy so that you can perform your best during your workouts. Your body uses those carbs to fuel your workout routine. This will help increase your endurance

It doesn’t have to be a heavy meal. Try snacks like oatmeal, overnight oats, a banana with almond butter and a slice of toast with peanut butter.

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