9 Effective Bodyweight Exercises to Lose Weight At Home

Start losing weight AT HOME with these bodyweight exercises!

No gym? No problem! Put on your favorite workout set, head to your favorite workout space and let’s sweat!

If you didn’t already know, you don’t need a gym to lose weight. These exercises will get your heart up, burn some serious calories it’s and totally beginner friendly!

Get ready for this full body sweat and the best part is you don’t need equipment! If you want to up level this workout you can grab booty bands, dumbbells, or slider discs.

This post is all about exercises to lose weight at home!

1. Squats

Squats are one of the best lower body workouts to help strengthen your legs and grow your glutes.

Stand with your feet a little wider than your hips. Keep your chest lifted, draw your navel in towards your spine and send your hips backward like you are going to sit in a chair.

Straighten your legs to come back up and repeat this movement 10 times.

2. Deadbugs

Get ready to work that core! Lie on your back and make sure that your spine is glued to the floor. Your knees should be in a ‘table top’ position.

Reach your right arm above your head while slowly extending your left leg as long as you can without it touching the floor.

Repeat the same movement on the opposite side. Slowly flow through this movement 8 times on each side.

3. Kneeling to Squats

Chile your quads will be on fire. Grab your yoga mat and start in a kneeling position. From there, immediately jump to a squat.

Remember to stay low. You should be able to move through this exercise fairly quickly, but if your back and knees get tired decrease your speed. Don’t stop, I need you to keep moving!

This is the perfect exercise to increase your heart rate. Set a timer for 30 seconds and get after it! Repeat 2 to 3 times.

4. Modified Pushups

Think of this like a ‘normal pushup’ except this is on your knees. This will provide you with more stability and awesome core and arm work.

Begin on your hands and knees with your hands slightly greater shoulder width apart. Slowly lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your back straight as you lower your body.

Raise your chest and repeat 8 times 2 or 3 times.

5. Walking Lunges

Think of stationary lunges, but instead of being in one position you’re walking.

Begin in a standing position. Lunge forward with your right leg making sure that the weight is in your heel. Make sure that your knee is bent and lowered parallel to the floor. Hold this position.

Keep your right leg in the same position and lunge your left leg forward repeating the same walking movement.

6. Bird Dogs

Begin on your hands and knees. Your hands should be under the shoulder and knees under the hips.

Extend your right leg and left arm at the same time. Pause and bring your right leg and left arm together so that your left elbow touch touches your right knee.

Return to the starting position, alternate sides and repeat.

7. Deadlift

Deadlifts are perfect for a round shaped booty! Begin with your feet wider than your shoulder width, toes angled out and knees slightly bent.

Hinge your hips forward, keep your chest lifted and knees slightly bent . Push your butt backward like you’re closing a door with your butt and keep your back flat as you lower your body.

Allow your wrist to gently glide down towards your mid to lower shin. You should feel stretch in your hamstring.

As you raise your body, pause at the top and squeeze your booty and repeat.

8. Plank Taps

Begin a plank position where your wrist are under your shoulders and feet are hip width apart. Your back and butt should be in the same position.

Touch your right hand on your left shoulder and return to the plank position. Touch your left hand to your right shoulder and continue alternating sides.

9. Jump Squats

This are super easy to work that booty and core!

Squat ensuring that your back is straight and your core is engaged. As you come to stand position, explode up into a jump and repeat!

This post was all about exercises to lose weight at home!


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