9 Relaxing Stretching Exercises For Beginners

Let’s get into these stretching exercises for beginners!

These stretching exercises for beginners are perfect for anyone that doesn’t know where to start. Your muscles might be feeling tight and your mobility might be limited.

Stretching is an essential component to your fitness journey! Lucky for you, these are super easy to follow and you can do these anywhere!

Do these stretching exercises on your rest days or after your workouts. It’s just as important as your workout.

This post is all about stretching exercises for beginners!

1. Double Knee to Chest

This stretching exercise is super relaxing. Simply, lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Be sure to take deep breathes.

You should feel like you’re rolled in a tight ball. The closer you pull your knees towards your face, the more you will feel the stretch. Gently rocking left to right to helps:)

Lay in this position for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you love this step, Feel free to jump to the next stretching exercise and come back.

2. Hip Flexor Stretch

stretching exercises for beginners

This hip flexor stretch is heaven. Begin in a lunge position, drop your knee to the floor and gently push your hips forward. Breathe. Deep breathes.

If that position feels comfortable places your hands on the general area of back pockets as pictured above.

You can stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Be sure to treat each side of your body equally.

3. Cat Cow Pose

stretching exercises for beginners

The cat cow pose is perfect if you have back pain. Slowly flow through this movement at your pace for 1 to 2 minutes.

Deep breathes as your back moves up and down. Be sure to hold this pose at the top and bottom to really feel the stretch.

4. Hamstring Stretch

This hamstring stretch is perfect if the back of your hamstrings are tight and sore. Grab your yoga mat!

One leg should be out straight and allow the other to rest against the your opposite inner thigh. Extend your arms forward and reach.

Bend at the waist and reach to a point that feels comfortable. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Relax your muscles and repeat with the other leg.

5. Downward Dog

This stretch is perfect to release tension in your upper and lower body. Begin in the fours position with your hips above your knees, hands above your shoulders and fingers spread out.

Suck your stomach in like a sponge.It’s okay if your heels don’t touch the floor.

You will feel the stretch in your back, hamstrings and arms. Keep your spine straight and your knees bent.

Take turns bending and straightening your legs to maximize the stretch. Stay in the position for 3 deep breathes.

6. Cobra

The cobra pose is great to open your chest, shoulder blades, neck and improves spinal posture.

As you lay on the floor make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders, next to your ribs.

Inhale as you lift your body away from the floor. Exhale and allow your gaze to stay in front of you.

Stay in this position for 3 deep breathes.

7. Seated Fold

This stretch will release the tension in your lower body. Begin in a seated position with your legs in front of you. Inhale. Point your feet pointed forward.

Slowly walk your hands forward until your back and hamstrings tell you to stop. Allow yourself to sit in this position for 1-3 minutes. Slowly inhale and exhale. Focus on what your body is telling you.

This will help calm your body and mind.

8. Tricep Stretch

Tight triceps? Bring your right elbow facing up towards the sky. Your fingernails should be grazing your back.

Breathe. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the same for your left arm. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

9. Arm Circles

Arm circles are perfect to stretch your biceps and triceps. While standing, gently move your arms in the circle motion.

Begin with moving in a right circular motion and slowly transition to a left circular motion. Complete this stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

This post was all about stretching exercises for beginners!

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