7 Practical Fitness Goals For Beginners You Can’t Live Without

Are you looking for fitness goals for beginners but don’t know where to begin?

Creating fitness goals is the perfect place to start if you are trying to figure out what you want your goals to be. When setting goals, it’s important to have practical and attainable goals so you can actually achieve them.

Creating goals is all about knowing where you are and having vision for where you want to be! Goals are centered around healthy habits that fit you and your lifestyle.

Since losing 45 pounds, I’m here to make your life easier and give you a complete list of fitness goals for beginners.

This post is all about fitness goals for beginners.

  1. Remember Your “Why”

    Your “why” is probably the reason you’re reading this blog. There are so many different reasons, but yours is unique to you.

    It could be to lose weight, to be healthy, an act of self care or to simply feel good.

    Your “why” motivates you to keep going when you feel like it’s impossible.

    For example, before I started my fitness journey, my “why” was to feel good and to do something for myself.

    Whichever one it is, keep this in the front of your mind before writing your goals. This will help guide you through the goal setting process.

  2. Move your body for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week

    You have to start where you can! Find a routine of working out in the morning, mid day or in the evening.

    Commit to 30 minutes of some type of movement, strength training or your favorite workout class.

    I encourage you to try different things to figure out what works best for you and your lifestyle.

    Getting into the routine of exercising 3 times a week will help you build a healthy habits and start to shed some pounds.

    Your movement might vary each day based on your schedule. At home workouts are best because you don’t need an expensive gym membership and you have the luxury of doing everything from your home.

  3. Challenge yourself

    When creating your fitness goals it’s going to require you to challenge yourself in some type of way.

    Sometimes the challenge is to simply show up. It’s not easy when we’d much rather be getting 15 extra minutes of sleep.

    Showing up is the first step to change. Challenge yourself to wake up 15 minutes earlier so that you can get your workout done before your day begins.

    Challenge yourself to push through your reps when you feel like giving up. Challenge yourself to run the extra 1/2 mile when you normally finish.

    For example, you can challenge yourself to workout at 7am Monday- Friday for 30 minutes.

    Challenges are supposed to be easy because growth doesn’t come in comfort. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

  4. Add strength training to your workout routine

    Strength training is one of things that can really level up your workout. If you are trying to burn fat and build muscle and slim your waist, you need to add some type of resistance or weights to your workouts.

    Lucky for you, I have the best equipment that you need to add to your routine.

    The first ones are resistance bands!

You can easily add these into any workout (upper body, lower body and cardio) to increase the resistance and tone your body. I use these a few times a week and I love them especially if I don’t feel like using dumbbells.

They’re super lightweight and easy to take with you when you travel or on the go. These are perfect for beginners or if you are trying to introduce your body to resistance and weights. If you don’t know where to start I would get these!

Next up are these game changing slider discs!

These sliders are perfect to add into any upper or lower body workout. They help you focus on toning specific areas of your body and are perfect to take anywhere!

I use these a few times a week and add them to my ab exercises such as mountain climbers and pikes. They’re great for lower body exercises like reverse lunges and burpees.

This 3 pack comes with a light, medium and heavy band. You can incorporate them into any workout and they’re less than $16!

I use these bands at least a few times a week if I don’t feel like using a dumbbell for my arms workout. These also serve as the perfect resistance band for glute activation.

If you’re someone that enjoys using dumbells, girl I got you! Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing like picking up a set of dumbbells and getting your sweat on!

If you’re a beginner trying to build strength I would purchase this set of 10-pound dumbbells. I purchased these dumbbells in April of 2020 and I’ve been using them ever since.

These are the perfect quality and you can easily store these in your home or apartment!

5. Move your body throughout the day

I feel like this is a simple and more than achievable goal that is super easy to implement into your daily routine. Choose the stairs over the elevator.

If you’re someone that works from home or in an office setting, try getting outside for at least 10 minutes to go for a walk.

This will help clear your mind but you’ll also burn calories so win-win!

6. Hydrate throughout the day

Now that you’re working out, you’ll need to make sure that you are hydrating your body throughout the day. Of course our body needs water, but when you’re burning large amounts of calories your body needs water to function.

If you get tired of the basic water taste, feel free to add a few slices of lemon to help your digestive system and give you glowy skin. I would aim for at least 1 water bottle everyday.

I’ve been using this water for about 6 months now and I love how it keeps me on track throughout the day!

I can easily take these to work and out to running errands.

7. Rest and recover at least once a week

When you start working out I cannot stress how important it is to allow your body to recover from a week of hard work. In order for your muscles to repair and grow they have to rest.

If you’re someone that likes active recovery I would do a very light walk to keep your muscles active but still give your body time to rest.

Pick one day a week, ideally Sunday to stretch, foam roll or do yoga. This is like an at home deep tissue muscle massager and it feels amazing!

I purchased this foam roller 2 years ago and I have been using it since! It’s cute and pink. I try to foam roll once a week and it does wonders for my muscles.

It’s sturdy and it holds its shape. I love the different sizes of the ridges and it makes my muscles feel good.

Fitness goals for beginners is something that is the first step to take on a healthy lifestyle journey. Babes, if you don’t know where to start, move your body. Pick one goal and let me know what it would be!

This post was all about fitness goals for beginners.

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