5 TRANSFORMATIONAL Tips: How to Make Time For Yourself

Are you ready for the tips that will teach you how to make time for yourself?

Learning how to make time for yourself is all about your routines. With routines comes sacrifice.

Making time for yourself is you finding pockets of time throughout the day to be present with yourself. This might be in the morning, during your lunch break or at night before bed.

Making time for yourself is crucial for your self development. When you spend time with yourself you do more of the things that feed your soul!

This post is all about how to make time for yourself!

1. Evaluate your routines

When you look at your day at a glance, what does it look like? Do you have a game plan so you know whats ahead of you or do you go with flow?

Truth is, you need some structure. Structured days with a plan keep you on track.

When you have days where you go with the flow, it’s hard to stay on task. You might even get this overwhelming feeling like you have to get everything done. You don’t!

When you look at your routines, what are you spending the most time doing? What are you wasting time doing or not doing?

If your days are lacking structure, this is causing you to waste time and not make time for yourself.

2. Stay true to yourself

There’s nothing wrong with you needing to make time for yourself. Life is crazy enough. Eliminate the guilt.

Making time for yourself is how you will continue to perform at your best in all areas of your life. You can’t be your best when you are performing on empty. This just leads to more damage.

The key to staying true to yourself is your mindset. Nothing changes if you don’t first understand that making time for yourself is not something earned, but something you DESERVE!

It’s okay to step back and say no to those people or things that drain you.

3. Set boundaries

In order for you to stay true to yourself, setting boundaries is a big part of the process that should not be overlooked. Truth is, some people see self care and making time for yourself as selfish! So so SO wrong!

If you hang around people that are always making you feel guilty for doing things for yourself, it’s time to find new friends!

If your work environment is full of people who make you fill guilty for not taking on massive projects above your pay grade or consistently asking for things beyond your scope of practice, learning how to set appropriate boundaries and stay firm with them is crucial!

If your parents make you feel bad for not wanting to do everything with them or follow the path they “think” you should go down, you most absolutely have the right to have boundaries with the information you give them.

I think of boundaries like everyone holding onto a rope. You are on end and everyone else is on the other end. Some people have the privilege to hold onto more rope while others don’t get the same privilege. That’s just the reality of it.

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend explains in greater detail how to take control of your life and how boundaries are not only healthy, but first and foremost protect you and then the other person.

Boundaries aren’t selfish, unless that’s your heart posture. At the end of the day, only YOU know what you need for your life, not anyone else!


4. Schedule time for yourself

A huge part of self care is making it a priority. If you don’t schedule it as you would any other tasks, chances are it’s not getting done.

Look at your schedule. You might have to rearrange a few things. Weigh the important tasks. Think “is this absolutely necessary for today?” If you answered yes, keep it on the schedule. If you answered no, schedule it for a time that is more convenient. This will free up the time so you can dedicate it to yourself.

If you struggle to schedule time for yourself, schedule your favorite appointment (nails, hair, facial, etc.) Doing this almost forces you to physically leave whatever you are doing to make time for yourself.

Other times the best thing to do is change your scenery. Sometimes you just need to break out of your space! Fall off your routine a bit. Free your mind. This makes the comeback is even stronger!

5. Get creative with your time

If scheduling time for yourself is not an option, it’s okay! This means it’s time for you to get creative!

When are the moments in your day that you can savour even 5 minutes for yourself.

Here are a few ideas…

  • eating lunch in your car at work

  • 5 minute of yoga or stretching before work

  • workout before your day begins

  • waking up 5 minutes earlier to enjoy your cup of coffee

  • eliminate overpacking your schedule

  • have a solo date instead of a night out with friends or vice versa

  • plan a self care night in

  • make dinner for yourself

  • take a nap

  • begin your night routine 5 minutes earlier than you normally would

This are just a few ideas, but whichever activity you choose to do, do it for your sanity. Your mental health is your top priority. The rest will fall into place.

This post was all about how to make time for yourself!

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