Eating Healthy in College: Healthy Food For College Students

Are you looking for healthy food for college students?

Finding healthy food for college students is hard! Especially when your options are limited.

This doesn’t have to be difficult. Head over to your local grocery store or even Amazon to find your favorite healthy foods.

Even if you don’t have access to a grocery store, be sure to make smart decisions when you are eating on campus and out with friends.

I know you are probably tempted to eat all the food in the dining hall or even the restaurants on campus, but before you do just think about all the possible added junk you are putting into your body.

The freshman 15 is very real and sneaks up on you when you are least expecting it. As long as you fuel your body throughout the day while living your best life you will not need to worry about this.

This post is all about healthy food for college students!

I know you are busy so lets keep this simple.

As long as you stick to these key food groups, you’ll be set!

  • Protein

  • Carbs

  • Fruits

  • Veggies

  • Healthy fats

1. Protein

  • a. Protein is best friend when you are hungry. For breakfast try eating eggs and turkey bacon. If you are a plant lover try vegan eggs and Beyond breakfast sausage.

    If you need something quick and easy, protein smoothies are so filling! You can make it yourself or go to your favorite smoothie café.

    The best smoothie combination: spinach, mixed berries, gluten free oats, ground flaxseed, almond butter, vanilla plant protein powder and almond milk. Thank me later;)

    If you are looking for a good protein powder….

healthy food for college students

You won’t regret buying this protein powder! It’s plant based with 20 grams of protein (perfect for any meal) and the creamy vanilla flavor is to die for!

This is always good to keep on hand to fuel your body at anytime!

I’ve been using this protein powder for a year and it’s helped me lose weight and saved me on the days when I had zero time to make healthy food.

b. Greek yogurt is another great source of protein! You can easily enjoy this anytime of the day. This is an easy breakfast, lunch or snack.

Greek yogurt has about 17g of protein which is perfect and sure to keep you fueled between classes!

Easily make your Greek yogurt bowl by layering your bowl with yogurt, mixed berries or an apple, almond butter and a sprinkle of granola.

c. Say hello to your new BFF’s. GoMacro Bars!

healthy food for college students

These are yet again, another delicious protein bar when you are on the go and have absolutely no time. They are plant based protein bars that are organic, vegan and gluten free.

These are the bars you eat when you are in between classes and need something before you start getting hangry. Think of it as your next pick me up!

They are super easy to throw into your backpack and head out the door.

I’ve been eating these for about a year and they are my favorite. They never leave me unsatisfied and I feel so energized after I eat them!

d. If you haven’t heard about Chomps, gf you are missing out!

healthy food for college students

Chomps delivers the cleanest protein on the market. Above is the pepperoni turkey meat stick and when I tell you they hit it right on, they really did that!

This is the clean protein you’ve been waiting for. 10 grams of protein (perfect for an afternoon snack) and it’s only 60 calories (but who’s counting)! There’s no added sugar, it’s whole 30, keto, paleo and gluten free!

These are so easy to slid into your backpack before you get started with your day. This is the perfect library snack or late night snack when you are hungry but don’t wanna overdo it!

You can add these to any of your meal routines. Pick up Chomps at Trader Joes, Target, Amazon and even Whole Foods!

2. Carbs!

I don’t care what anyone says, carbs are essential to staying healthy. Carbs keep us going throughout the day.

This is easily found in foods like bread, oats, fruits, pasta and so much more!

If you are a college students looking for healthy food make sure you are eating brown rice, whole wheat, sprouted grain or gluten free bread and oats.

These will be easier to digest and give you the fuel you need.

If you are on the go, eat and apple or banana. These are easy to throw into your backpack and really good before a workout.

Don’t skip the rice at lunch! A good salad bowl makes the perfect lunch. Build your favorite salad with spinach, brown rice, chicken, asparagus and avocado.

You can even create your own bowl with brown rice, salmon, broccoli and avocado.

Don’t think you can’t enjoy pasta for dinner! Enjoy your favorite pasta with your favorite protein and sauce for a well balanced meal.

Carbs are not the enemy here! Just make smart decisions!

3. Fresh fruits

Always keep fruit on hand! This can be an apple, banana, strawberries, blackberries, dates, mango, pineapple, literally anything!

This is a healthy option to have snacks on the go. Fruit goes with everything from in your smoothies to a snack and even with your lunch.

If you are someone that finds yourself bored hungry, apples or dates and almond are perfect go snacks. These won’t push you far away from your goals and it is way healthier than eating chips.

Also, if you like sweet treats like cookies, ice cream and brownies, grab a piece a fruit. This will help curb your cravings and actually nourish your body.

If you haven’t tried dried fruits, these are the best to keep in your dorm room or apartment. They are a great appetizer before dinner and are good when you just want something sweet. Just make sure there is no added sugar;)

If you get bored of the same fruits, just be sure to keep trying different ones. Your body will actually use the natural sugars to keep you fueled throughout the day.

4. Vegetables!

Ahh veggies! Don’t you love them. If you don’t that’s okay….baby steps. When you are building your meals, remember that you can have as many veggies as you want!

Lucky for you, you can literally add veggies to anything and it would be so good.

In the morning you can add spinach to your smoothies and your eggs! When you are cook your lunch and dinner, load up your bowl with romaine or spring mix, asparagus, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, broccoli and zucchini.

Vegetables provide you with good nutrients and vitamins that are essential for our health.

If you are someone that struggles with overeating, try adding more vegetables to your plate so you have less room for the foods you don’t need and more room for the ones that nourish your body.

5. Healthy fats

FAT ISN’T BAD. Our bodies need fat to stay healthy and lose weight. It becomes too much when it’s actually too much.

You might think that healthy fats aren’t important, but let me tell you… they most definitely are.

These are found in almonds, cashews, walnuts, and macadamia nuts. And of course your favorite topping with apples, peanut and almond butter. You can grab your favorite pack of nuts to snack on throughout the day.

The next time you think about skipping the avocado, don’t! First, avocados are so good! Add it to your favorite breakfast sandwich, salads, in your smoothies, your tacos and with your favorite meals. It seriously goes with everything!

Something that you might not think about is the oils you use to cook. This can be anything from canola oil, olive oil and avocado oil.

You probably use this to air fry your favorite foods.

This is why it’s important to be mindful of how much you are ordering take out. I know the dining hall and your favorite restaurants might be convenient, but is it worth it?

Those late night burritos and cheeseburgers……there’s literally oil in everything. Please enjoy the yummy foods but be mindful of how much you are consuming!


  1. Limit your sugar intake. The sugar from the lattes, sweet treats and drinks add up quick.

  2. Stay hydrated! This will help balance hunger and mood swings throughout the day.

  3. I know you might have had too much to drunk, but the 2am greasy burritos are not worth it, trust me.

  4. Say yes to what you want and no to what others what from you.

  5. One of the best ways to be healthy in college is by eating throughout the day.

  6. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store!

This post was all about healthy food for college students!


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