How To Start Losing Weight For Beginners

Are you wondering how to start losing weight for beginners?

I’m so glad you are ready to start losing weight, but you are probably wondering HOW.

I want you to understand that you are losing weight for YOU and not to please someone else or compete with someone. The journey of losing weight is actually fun so make it your own!

If you are ready to lose weight, it all comes down to your nutrition. Everybody and every BODY is different. The foods you fuel your body with play a crucial role in your weight loss.

Of course you will need to start moving your body. No you don’t have to be in the gym for 2 hours lifting weights (but if that’s your thing go for it!)

For all the beginners losing weight, all it takes is commitment and consistency. Choose to show up everyday for you because you want to lose weight and feel better.

This post is all about how to start losing weight for beginners!

1. Take before photos

I know you are probably thinking….what do pictures have to do with anything? Trust me out of all the things you will do along your weight loss journey this is one of the things you will not regret.

Before you start losing weight it’s important to have pictures to track your progress. These will also motivate you to keep going. You can simply take these in a sports bra and leggings/shorts or whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Once a month take photos of your body so you can physically see the change in your body. Remember weight loss isn’t always about the scale. The scale can’t calculate your hard work. Numbers don’t determine your worth.

This will motivate you to keep going on the days when you feel like giving up.

It’s so important to track your progress! I know this might be the hardest part, but I promise it will be so worth it.

how to start losing weight for beginners

If you need a little extra push my before photo is on the left and my most recent after photo is on the right. I was scared to take them because I had no idea what it was for or if they would mean anything, but I am so happy I did!

2. Choose a routine that works best for you

Routines are life. Not only does this give you the structure that we all need, but it removes the guesswork from your life.

Choose a workout routine that works for you and your lifestyle. If you know you are an early riser, plan your workouts in the morning before the day begins. If you are more active at night, evening workouts might be best for you.

Your morning routine might include…

  • 6AM- 7AM: Wake up, drink coffee and journaling

  • 7AM- 8AM: Work out

  • 8AM- 9AM : Shower and get ready for work

Your night routine might look similar….

  • 5PM-6PM: Working out

  • 6PM- 7PM: Shower and cook a healthy meal

  • 7PM- 9PM: Rest and reset for the next day

The KEY to getting your workout done is making it a non negotiable. No matter what life throws at you, you have to keep showing up for yourself. On days when you get tired you have to keep going. You have goals to reach girl!

If you are thinking that you don’t have time, create time. I know you are busy, but it’s most definitely doable.

3. Move your body

So now that you have figured out your routines, it’s time to move your body!

If you are a true beginner with little to no experience in working out, start with going for a walk. Never underestimate hot girl walks! This will help you burn calories which is great!

You can also try yoga. This is perfect if you don’t know what you want to do, but you still want to get some type of movement in.

Don’t over complicate it. You don’t have to spend a ton of money. Find a hiking trail and go for a walk or sign up for a class at your local workout studio.

This is a great place to start if you don’t know what you like (plus it’s a great way to meet new friends). Your body will appreciate the movement.

Recognize that movement looks different for everyone. Once you find something that works, stick to it and with consistency your hard work will pay off.

4. Strength training

If you are looking for a bit more than your average walk, strength training is where it’s at. And before you ask, no, lifting heavy weights doesn’t make you “bulky,” it makes you strong.

If you don’t know what strength training is, it’s basically adding weights or resistance to your workout. For example, you can hold a free weight while doing a reverse lunge. You can add resistance by using a resistance band during a glute bridge.

This helps you burn more calories faster and it helps tone your body and give your booty that shape that you want or your abs the definition!

You don’t even need a gym membership. Below I have linked some workout equipment to help get you started!

how to start losing weight for beginners

Perfect to start building your at home gym!

how to start losing weight for beginners

Great place to start if you don’t like free weights but still want the similar effect of them. Get ready to feel the burn!

how to start losing weight for beginners

Perfect added resistance for any workout!

how to start losing weight for beginners

The perfect 3 pack of light, medium and heavy resistance bands for both lower and upper body workout.

how to start losing weight for beginners

If you don’t like rubber booty bands, fabric booty bands might be better for you!

5. Limit sugary drinks

I know sugary drinks are addictively good and convenient, but they might be doing more harm than good, especially if you are a coffee lover. Seriously, a Blonde Vanilla Latte has 35 grams of added sugar. 35 grams!

Start cutting back and making your coffee at home. You’ll know exactly what’s in your coffee and I’m sure it won’t be 35 grams of sugar.

If you like sweet coffee try Califia Farms Creamer. There’s only 1-3 grams of sugar per tbsp. so it’s easy for you to control how much you are drinking and it’s dairy free.

The same with alcoholic beverages. These drinks are loaded with sugar that you don’t need all the time.

Next time you want to enjoy a drink try sticking to a clear drink like vodka or tequila with soda water, agave and lime.

If you want a sweeter drink, try a drink that’s infused with fresh fruits for a natural flavor.

If you don’t drink try swapping your favorite soda or juice for a Poppi or Olipop. These are great substitutes and satisfy that craving with only 2-5 grams of sugar per can!

I know sugar is hard because it’s so addictive. It’s in everything. The more you are aware of what you are putting into your body, the more likely you are to see results.

6. Stay hydrated

Make it your goal to drink a gallon of water a day! It’s important that you stay hydrated all day. This often has a direct link to mood swings, overeating and stress.

An easy way to drink water is to drink it right when you wake up, while you are eating and of course throughout the day.

If you are someone that eats lots of salty foods and you feel puffy and bloated, your body needs water to flush everything out.

If you are not used to drinking water consistently, get a cute water bottle to motivate you. I linked a few below.

Always remember baby steps. You have to give your body a chance to adjust to your new drinking habits.

7. What are you eating?

The food you eat plays a tremendous role in you losing weight. If you are working out and skimping on your nutrition or eating too much it may prolong the results you want to see.

Make sure that each meal is a balance of protein, carbs, veggies and healthy fats. Slow down when you eat so you can let your body digest the food. This may look like a salmon stir fry or a chicken caesar salad.

When you are shopping for sauces and dressing, read the nutrition label. Stay away from ones that have a ton of added sugar and a list of unknown ingredients.

If you are still hungry, add more veggies to your plate!

If you have ever wondered why you’ve eaten a bowl of oatmeal and then gone to the bathroom after it is because oats are a whole grain that are full of fiber.

Focus on adding more fiber to your diet. This can be anything from chia seed pudding, flaxseed to your smoothies, avocados, nuts and whole grains!

Limit the fried foods, excess sodium, sodas, high fat dressings, sugary yogurts and sauces, the late night snacks and the list goes on.

8. Are you getting enough sleep?

When you first start working out your body will demand sleep. It only makes sense right? You are working out and burning calories which means that your body will need adequate sleep so that you can crush your workout the next day.

Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night and you’ll be golden!

I know you might be busy, but sleep is one of those things that you can’t skip. Your body needs time to recover and your muscles need time to repair.

When your body is rested this allows you to have a better day and be a better you!


  1. Be open to trying new things! A specific workout routine or trainer may work for your friend but may not be the best for you. Don’t compare your journey.

  2. Know that this is a journey meaning that there will be highs and lows, but trust me your hard work WILL pay off!

This post was all about how to start losing weight for beginners!

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