9 Life Changing Healthy Habits to Lose Weight

Are you looking for healthy habits to lose weight and transform your life?

It’s about time to create some healthy habits to lose weight. If you are someone that has been looking for a sign that it’s time to start your fitness journey, this is it!

I know habits can be difficult to create and stick to, but once you start incorporating these into your daily routine, they will make all the difference.

The key to this is finding healthy habits that work for YOU and your lifestyle.

Say goodbye to days where you wish you knew what healthy habits you needed to lose weight and say hello to a fresh beginning!

This post is all about healthy habits to lose weight!

1. Increase your protein intake

One of the easiest ways to lose weight without trying is to increase your protein intake. This means that you are eating 5 well balanced meals (3 meals and 2 snacks) to keep you fueled throughout the day.

Protein can be found in tons of foods like eggs, chicken, salmon, beans, tofu, chickpeas and so much more. If you are someone that workouts it’s important to make sure that you’re getting your meals in throughout the day so that your hard work isn’t going to waste!

If you are someone that is on the go and needs protein ASAP here are 2 options!

healthy habits to lose weight

GoMacro MacroBar are the perfect bars to take on the go when you need to fuel your body throughout the day. Eating clean never tasted this good! Seriously…try them for yourself.

They are so easy to throw into your backpack, work bag, purse, suitcase- whatever you want!

These are plant based, vegan, mother-daughter owned protein bars that promote living a balanced lifestyle. These less processed bars are Certified Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, C.L.E.A.N., and Soy-Free are your go to keep you energized throughout the day.

I always keep a few of these on hand so that when I get hungry or hangry I have a healthy snack that I know will help me lose weight and stay on track with my goals.

healthy habits to lose weight

This is your go to protein powder! Breakfast? Covered. Lunch? Covered. Midday pick me up? Covered. Desserts? Covered!

This is the optimal blend of brown rice and pea blend which helps build lean muscle. You get 20 grams of protein in 1 scoop. The more you increase in protein intake leads to an increase in fat burn which is what we want!

You can easily make smoothies or throw a scoop into your protein shaker and take it with you on your busy day.

Did I mention that you can easily throw this in your suitcase and enjoy it while you are traveling? We’re taking these healthy habits to lose weight everywhere!

I have been this protein powder for almost a year and it is the most versatile. I can’t recommend it enough!

2. Drink your water!

I know you hear this all the time but seriously girl you need to hydrate. Water is so essential for our well being and digestive system.

Not only is drinking water good for you but this will help control your hungry throughout the day. That means if you can go half the day without drinking water, it’s time to take a good sip! Drink water with your meals so that you aren’t tempted to overeat.

If you are someone that is not used to drinking a lot of water, start off with making your goal to drink 1 bottle of water with every meal.

Rule of thumb: if you bloat a lot from eating salty foods, water is your best friend and will help flush your body and debloat.

Sometimes (more like all the time), you need a cute water bottle to help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

healthy habits to lose weight

I’ve seen this water bottle all over Tik Tok and Instagram! This 42oz is cute and so easy for you to take with you everywhere you go!

The handle makes it easy to carry around whether you are running errands or at home.

3. Do more of what makes you feel good

You know that thing that you love doing and it actually makes you feel good? Yeah, do more of that!

I know this is something that you might not think has a direct link to your weight loss habits, but it does.

Simply stated, the way you treat your body from the way you talk to yourself and the things you do and don’t do for yourself will impact the way you feel.

If you are used to feeding your body with foods, drinks and influences that don’t make you feel good, it’s likely that you aren’t going to be motivated to perform at your best in other areas of your life.

For example, if you enjoy exercising 3 times a week because it makes you feel good, you’ll probably want to do it again!

Bottom line, add more things and people in your life in your life that make you feel good and this will leave less room for the things that don’t!

4. Create a routine that works for YOU!

Repeat after me, routines are your best friend! That means you know what time you’re waking up to go the gym or when you’re going to do it after work.

When you create this routine it allows you to get into the flow of what works for you! You need this structure because motivation does not last forever.

It takes discipline to STICK to your routines because truth is you’re not going to feel like it everyday, BUT it is possible!

After a while you’ll see that this will help with your daily structure. Sometimes this requires saying YES to more of the things that are for YOU and less of the things that aren’t!

5. Focus on lean protein and clean foods

If you are trying to lose weight, the best foods that you can eat are lean proteins. Think chicken breast, 93% or higher ground turkey, 93% or higher ground chicken, salmon, tofu, beans, cod, shrimp and the list goes on.

You can pair this with your favorite veggies like asparagus, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cucumbers and celery.

Here’s a breakdown of how you can make sure you are eating lean and clean throughout the day:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich

Snack: Chomps stick with a handful of nuts

Lunch: Chicken with spinach, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, avocado and favorite dressing

Snack: Yogurt parfait with an apple and almond butter

Dinner: 93% or higher ground turkey with red sauce and Banza noodles

Again, the more you focus on adding the foods the less room there is for the things that don’t serve you.

6. Cook more meals at home

Home cooked meals beat take out any day! Normally, takeout is loaded with excess sodium that can cause severe bloating and no one needs that!

Cooking is an amazing healthy habit to have because you are in full control of the ingredients. Season your meals to your pallet.

The easiest way to start cooking is taking your favorite take out meal and recreating it at home.

For example, if you are someone that enjoys pasta you would go to the store and purchase Banza noodles, your favorite lean protein, red sauce and your favorite veggies.

This makes it so easier for you to control your portion, you can use fresh ingredients and you know exactly what’s in your meal.

7. Add strength training to your workout routine

If you want to lose weight, tone your body and see definition, you have to incorporate strength training into your workout.

Now, I’m not talking about squatting and bench pressing plates.

Strength training can be as simple as added resistance bands or dumbbells into your favorite exercise. Yes this will challenge you, but growth doesn’t come in comfort zones.

If you are new to fitness and working out, take it slow. Light resistance bands and 3-5 pound dumbbells are your friend!

If you are someone that is more experienced don’t be afraid to pick up heavier weights! Feel free to add heavier resistance bands and dumbbells to level up and see the change you want in your body.

No matter what fitness level you are at, challenging yourself is key!


8. How are you really?

If you are reading this blog post there is probably a reason why you want to lose weight. Whether that be because you are unhappy, your partner, your kids. Whatever the reason may be, check in with yourself?

Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to change your life? What life events have brought you here?

Spend intentional time with yourself reflecting. You don’t have to have it all figured out and it’s okay if you can’t think of something right now.

Be mindful of your body and the way certain foods, environments and people make you feel. Your body is trying to tell you something.

The more you worry, stress and lose sleep over things you can’t control, your muscles become tense and it makes it difficult for your body to digest food. This can lead to an increase in eating and exercising less.

9. More Zzz’s

Getting about 7-8 hours of sleep every night is so important for weight loss. While you sleep your body is actively recovering from all activity performed throughout the day.

Did you know your body burns fat while you are sleeping?

Sleep helps you to wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the next day. You will notice that you will be more alert, your workout will flow better and you won’t be slumped during your daily activities.

If you are someone that struggles with falling asleep and staying asleep during the night, I have the perfect solution for you.

healthy habits to lose weight

Introducing Slumber Party Sleep Boost! This is your go to night time coco that will help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep during the night so that you can wake up feeling refreshed.

There’s a combination of melatonin, valerian root, L-theanine and so much more! It has a chocolate flavor so it mixes perfectly with warm water or warm milk.

Drink this about 30 minutes before you go to bed to improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed.

I’ve been using Slumber Party for about 6 months and it does wonders for me. I stay asleep during the night and wake up feeling like a brand new woman!


How to Build a Workout Routine


How to build YOUR Daily Routine To Lose Weight