How to Build a Workout Routine

OMG! Are you ready to learn how to build a workout routine?

Okkayy so you're trying to build a workout routine, but you don’t know where to start! I got you!

The key to building a solid workout routine is choosing something that fits your lifestyle. If you don’t like morning workouts, don’t workout in the morning!

Workout routines are only going to work commit to your routine. That means staying disciplined to the commitments you have for yourself.

This post is all about how to build a workout routine!

1. Start with the end goal in mind

You have to begin knowing what you want to get out of this. Why do you want to build a workout a routine? Why do you want to start working out? What type of fulfillment will this bring you?

When you have an end goal in mind, you have aim. When you have aim you’re more likely to great healthy habits to help you get to where you want to be.

While this doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with working out, you HAVE to shift your mindset before you can start actually doing it.

Envision the highest version of yourself and start showing up as her.

2. Set small REALISTIC goals

Now that you have your end goal in mind, it’s time to set some goals! Small, realistic, attainable goals.

The truth is, the biggest way to building a workout routine is carving out time. Eliminate the excuses because they’re always going to be some reason why we can’t do something right?

Write down it down and make sure it’s somewhere in plain sight. What time are you working out? If you’re working out in the evening, what does your routine look like after work?

Don’t overwhelm yourself thinking that you HAVE to create monthly goals. Take things day by day.

Before you go to bed or in the morning, write these things down. They should be non negotiables.

For example, your goal could be workout at 6am Monday-Friday for 4 weeks. You could even break down this goal even further. What time are you going to wake up? Where are you going to workout?

3. Start with a walk

If you don’t know where to start, start with a walk. Don’t underestimate the power of cardio. First off, it’s FREE. It doesn’t cost a penny so you can’t say it’s expensive haha.

Trust me you can work up a sweat going walking for 30 minutes. You expend just as many calories going for a 30 minute walk compared to 30 minutes of strength training.

If you don’t want to commit to getting a gym membership just yet, going on daily walks will help get you into the routine of working out.

If walks bore you, you can try adding sprints or even going the extra half mile. You can even try different routes so your body doesn’t become accustomed to the same thing.

At the end of the day, movement is movement and you should be proud of yourself!

4. Adapt to change

I know that you love your routine, but sometimes life might require you to shift gears. That means sometimes instead of working out in the morning, you might workout in the evening.

If you normally workout outside and it’s raining, you’ll have to switch gears and do an at home workout.

It’s the things that you consider “little” but aren’t so little because it does affect you.

Furthermore, understand that your workout routine is ever changing because you are always evolving. Again, your routines should always reflect something that is realistic for YOUR life!

5. Keep going

Yes, there will be days where you don’t feel like it. It’s very normal and totally okay!

It’s time to lock in. You have to make the decision that your workout routine means that you’re going to show up for yourself. You’re going to keep showing up for yourself when it gets hard.

This is where discipline comes in. Motivation is the thing that gets you going, discipline is what keeps you going.

The “thing” that will keep you going is your habits and knowing your end goal. You want to build a workout routine because you want to lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, etc. Always keep this at the forefront of your mind. If you lose sight of this that’s when you start to slack on your routine.

6. Track your progress

Tracking your progress in all shapes and form is another form of motivation. This allows you to see how far you’ve come over time.

When you get into a new workout routine and actually start reaching your goals, it’s VERY easy to think that you haven’t made any progress. It’s too easy to get into your own head and think that all your hard work is for nothing. WRONG!

TAKE PROGRESS PHOTOS! Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you feel like you look “fat” or “ugly”. You’re not. Your body is beautiful! Keep those photos handy because you’ll want to refer to them when you feel like giving up.

7. Prioritize recovery

Truth is, the recovery is just as important as the workout!

In order for you to keep performing at your best, you have to prioritize recovery. That means you have to take time to stretch and foam roll.

It’s good to get into the habit of doing this after every workout, but if you can’t I understand! Try spending time during the weekend to recover.

I absolutely LOVE this foam roller! The rigids make it feel like a deep tissue massage all over my body. This is EXACTLY what your muscles need!

This post was all about how to build a workout routine!

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