How To Exercise Without Equipment

Are you ready to learn how to exercise without equipment?

If you are ready to learn how to exercise without equipment, you’ve come to the right place!

There are so many different ways to exercise. Truth is you might define exercise differently from other people and that’s okay!

Exercising is all about moving your body in some way shape or form. It doesn’t have to be expensive and you might just fall in love with the results.

It’s time to move past the mental block of telling yourself that you “don’t have a gym membership” or “don’t have workout equipment”. Stop telling yourself that.

You have a beautiful body that is ready to meet you right in where you are at!

This post is all about how to exercise without equipment!

1. Start moving your body

Babes, just start moving your body. This can be anything from a walk, light jog or a run.

You have to start somewhere right? The key to start moving your body is making it a habit.

Walk to your favorite coffee shop. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Walk your dog around to the end of the street and back.

If you commit to at least 10 minutes of some type of movement, you’ll want to start doing more of it. You can do anything for 10 minutes.

If you need more motivation, put on a cute workout set. There’s nothing like a cute set to get you moving! There are tons of affordable sets on Amazon. Sometimes, an old baggy t-shirt can make you feel more bleh.

To make it even more fun, grab your friends to help time pass. Who knows, you might even just end up walking for 30 minutes.

I’m not asking you for everything, but I am asking you to do something.

2. Create a plan

After you get into the routine of moving your body, it’s time to create a plan.

Seriously get out your favorite planner, digital planner or phone and write which exercises and time of the day works best for you to workout.

As you do this, be sure to choose a realistic plan that accommodates your lifestyle.

When you create a plan, you are more likely to stick with it. Focus on committing to at least 3-5 times a week.

The more work out whether that be in the morning or at night, this is how habits form. Once you create a solid habit of doing this, congratulations because you have found something that sticks!

Consistency is key when it comes to exercising. You don’t have to be perfect every single day, but give it your all and you’ll see the return.

3. Sign up for a Pilates or yoga class

I don’t know if you saw, but Pilates classes are getting all the hype right now! It focuses on flexibility and core strength, but trust me it feels like a full body workout.

Signing up for a Pilates or yoga class is a great way to get out of the house and meet new friends.

There are tons of local and chain workout studios across the US that class passes which basically means you can get your first class for free or discounted price.

This is perfect for anyone at any workout level because it just works your body differently. I can’t put it into words, you just HAVE to try it for yourself.

If Pilates or yoga isn’t your thing, you can try a Zumba class or any workout class at your favorite gym. Anything to get your heart rate up is perfect!

4. Explore the outdoors

Don’t forget about how pretty mother nature is! The one thing about the outdoors is that there is so much for you to do.

There are so many walking trails, mountains, inclines, etc. that are waiting for you. You can choose one based on your comfortability level.

If you struggle to walk long distances try listening to your favorite podcast or playlist. This will help pass time and make you focus on two things (kind of haha).

If you want more than walking you can try paddle boarding, hiking, biking, beach volleyball and there’s a ton more.

5. Do this with a friend for accountability

Truth is you don’t have to do this alone. You may want to for a while, but it might be more fun when you have a friend holding you accountable.

Along this journey, there will be times when you don’t feel like it or get lazy. Yes, rest is okay, but when you have someone holding you accountable, it’s way easier to stay on track.

You and your friend can check out a local workout studio or go for a walk on your favorite trail.

You can ask a friend, neighbor, mom/dad or friends via Instagram and Tik Tok are always amazing!

6. Check out FREE YouTube videos

If you prefer to workout at home (or the gym), YouTube videos are a great place to start and are perfect when you are traveling and don’t have access to equipment.

This is perfect if you would like someone to walk you through specific workouts if you are not sure.

There are tons of personal trainers that have free videos ready to help you transform your life.

Seriously, just look up your favorite fitness influencer and I’m sure they have a few at home workouts you can follow along to.

If you are going to follow along with YouTube videos, make sure that person is knowledgeable on weight loss for women so you are working the appropriate parts of your body.

7. Create your own workouts

If you are familiar with structuring workouts, create your own! You don’t need to spend tons of money.

This is for my girls that are a bit more experienced and understand the fundamentals of exercising and what to specifically target.

Creating your own workouts gives you the freedom to focus on specific body parts and figure out what works for you.

For example if you were creating a full body workout, you could include exercises like crunches, lunges, pushups and burpees.

You can do this in your garage, backyard, at home gym or even at a park. Feel free to use your inclined driveway, steps and ledges for added resistance.

It doesn’t have to be a long workout. Combine body parts like arms and abs or full body for the most effective workout in about 30 minutes.

8. Body weight workouts

Never doubt the power of body weight workouts! You can get your heart rate up by doing exercises like burpees, crunches, wall sits, side planks, push ups, lunges, squats and Russian twists.

These exercises are perfect to familiarize yourself with the workouts so that when you start adding weights and resistance, you understand the basics.

This is perfect if you are just starting out or looking for a cost effective way to start working out. You can find body weight workouts everywhere.

You don’t have to be a pro or certified to start doing body weight workouts.

Sometimes no equipment workouts are the sweatiest ones which means that you are burning some serious calories.

You don’t have to be a pro or certified to start doing body weight workouts. Don’t overthink it. Just start moving your body and you won’t regret it.

9. Trust the process

If you are a beginner looking to start somewhere, this is the perfect place to start! Exercising without equipment is better than doing nothing.

In this stage you are training your body on the familiarity of the exercises. Hit every single rep or maybe even just a few, but start showing up for yourself.

Don’t let the fear of not doing something or using certain equipment stop you from exercising. Movement is movement.

Commit to at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. After 4-6 weeks you’ll start to see and FEEL the change in your body.

This post was all about how to exercise without equipment!

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