9 Self Care Tips For College Students

Are you looking for the best self care tips for college students?

I don’t know about you but self care as a college students sounds nearly impossible with juggling classes, a social life and trying to survive life in it’s entirety.

The key for self care in college is that you have to create time. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.

Self care looks like taking time whether it be in the morning, in between classes, or at night.

Everything might be stressful, but as long as you take care of yourself it will make the process a bit easier.

This post is all about self care for college students!

1. Make yourself a priority

I cannot say this enough, but you HAVE to make yourself a priority. I know it may seem impossible with your busy schedule but carving time out everyday will make you feel so much better.

Making yourself a priority allows you to be more productive and stay motivated longer throughout the day.

2. Structure your schedule

Let’s be real, structure makes everything better. When you structure your day you are more likely to follow a schedule, be more productive and get more done throughout the day.

This gives you more time to do what you want at night or at a time that’s most convenient for you.

3. Surround yourself by GOOD people

A solid group of friends makes everything better! There are tons of ways to make friends on campus like through organizations, roommates, learning communities, classes or even workout classes.

This will help you feel less alone and help you connect with people that have common interest.

4. Spend time outside

I know this may seem obvious, but it’s pretty easy to overlook. When you feel overwhelmed, just go for a walk outside. Vitamin D does wonders for your body.

If you are someone that studies for long periods at a time whether this be in your dorm room or in the library, spending time outside can refresh your mind!

5. Workout for 30-45 minutes

I know exercising might not be one of the first things that come to mind when you think of self care activities, but the endorphins can really help your mental health.

This can be done outside or in the gym

6. Have you tried yoga?

If strength training or cardio is not your thing, try yoga! It focuses on flexibility, mobility and relaxing your muscles.

If you go to school in a warm climate, feel free to grab your friends and take your yoga mat outside or to the beach! If you live in a cooler climate take your yoga mat to the gym or next to your bed if you don’t have space.

There might even be free classes on campus that you can take which is even better.

7. Set REALISTIC goals

Goals give you structure and structure allows you to be THAT girl. Realistic goals are goals that you set attainable steps to achieve. For example, if you wanted to finish a paper in 6 page paper in 3 days, 1 attainable step is to write 2 pages a day.

Setting realistic goals for every part of your life gives you the freedom to actually accomplish the things you want!

8. Eat healthy meals

I know the fried foods, alcohol and burritos might be good all the time….it is not worth it all the time. These are the cause of mid day slumps, laziness and prohibit you from performing at your best.

If cooking is an option, build healthy meals like protein packed pasta, chicken teriyaki bowls and burrito bowls. When you are making the meals at home, it’s easier for you to control how much salt and extra ingredients are going into your meal.

If you don’t have a kitchen, don’t worry! You can find a restaurant where you can walk the line to order your favorite meal.

9. Take a break from social media

I know social media is a way for you to stay connected to your friends and informed with the latest events on campus, it’s okay to take a break.

Every once and a while, give your mind a chance to reset and focus on YOU. This way you will come back more refreshed.

This post was all about self care tips for college students!

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