The TOP 7 Tips: How to Find Yourself Again

These are the best tips on how to find yourself again!

So maybe you’re feeling lost, stuck and stagnant. Maybe you’ve been stuck in the same routine and it’s time for a change.

Sometimes the biggest thing that you need is just a reset. You might be giving and giving SO much time to others that you don’t have time to pour into yourself.

Finding yourself again is all about taking control of your life and knowing yourself. No one truly knows you like you so focus on what’s important to you!

This post is all about how to find yourself again!

1. Be vulnerable

Now is the time to take a step back and reflect. Truly reflect on the events that have happened or haven’t happened that have brought you to this point.

What are internal and external stressors that are causing you excess stress? Be real with yourself.

Be vulnerable. Cry. Scream. Laugh. One of the first steps to finding yourself again is by being real with your current state. This will then allow you to progress to the next level.

2. Leave the past in the past

Many times it might be difficult for you to connect with yourself because you’re holding onto the past. This could be past events, past relationships, past hurt, past trauma. Everything is valid, but after you fully process and heal from those situations you do have to come to terms with it and move forward.

If you need help processing and healing please confide in someone you trust. This could be a therapist, trusted friend or family member.

The past is the past. Look forward and think about the amazing life you have ahead of you. We all have scars. What you choose to do with those scars is what makes the difference.

3. Stop caring about other people’s opinions

Their opinion doesn’t matter. It’s your life. In 5 years, heck even in 5 minutes their opinion on whether you you looked good in that dress doesn’t matter.

Ask yourself this: Am I happy with the reflection I see in the mirror? Do I like myself? Do I like the way I treat others?

Your response to those questions are the only ones that matter!

4. Allow yourself to be emotional

You don’t always have to “be strong”. It’s okay to let your walls down, in fact it’s healthy. Your self awareness is one of your biggest strengths.

It’s okay to be emotional. Allow it to be one of your strengths. Finding yourself again is about letting go of those habits that you once thought served you and discovering the ones that guide to towards the

5. Eliminate unhealthy habits

Truth is your unhealthy habits and routines are keeping you in the same cycle. It’s time to tap into your healthy routines.

When you think about your dream life, what healthy habits does she have? What does her morning routine look like? What time does she wake up? What types of foods she eat? Is she working out in the morning?

{RELATED POST: 10 LIFE CHANGING Healthy Eating Habits}

6. Set REALISTIC goals

One way to keep going is by setting REALISTIC goals! You have to have vision. Vision is the thing that keeps you on your desired path of success.

When you first starting creating realistic goals you almost want to make them too easy to accomplish.These are goals you can measure, you know you can achieve them and they are set within a specific time frame.

For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds a realistic goal could be to go for a walk Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 30 minutes before work.

7. Live in freedom!

No longer are you bound to the habits and lifestyle that keep you in the same cycle. This is slowing you down and not allowing you to tap into your fullest potential!

It’s time for you to live the life that you want. The life that makes you happy. The life that you love waking up to.

Let go and let God!

This post was all about how to find yourself again!

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