9 SURPRISING Benefits of Self Care

Unwind, clink, clink, let’s get into the benefits of self care!

Self care should always be priority. Seriously no matter how busy life gets you matter and your mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

There are actually SO much benefits to self care because it’s one of those things that overflows into different areas of your life. Self care helps you realize that it’s important to step back and take breaks.

Burnout, anxiety and depression, overeating, lack of sleep are all signs that you need to take a step back, regroup and find yourself again. Life moves too fast for you to not fill your cup.

This post is all about the benefits of self care!

1. Reduces anxiety and depression

When you really focus on your self care routine this helps to reduce your anxiety and depression. The root of anxiety and depression comes from overthinkinig and overanalyzing situations in your life.

You don’t have to do it alone. God is with you. He is your guide.

2. Helps to gain a new sense of confidence

When you choose to pour into yourself you gain a new sense of confidence. You are longer bound to the opinions of others. You walk the talk.

Confidence is the internal glow you have. It’s the God glow. It’s the glow you have knowing who you are.

3. Helps you deal with adversity

Life is all about dealing with adversity, right? We have the choice to let it control us or choose to stand up and fight back.

Many times adversity comes with setbacks. Although these setbacks are often times not ideal, self care, choosing to put yourself first and say yes/no is what helps you stand stronger the next time.

4. Increases your ability to be understanding and compassionate

Ever experienced burnout? Even the person you look up to the most has experienced burnout. Knowing that we all go through this, you understanding how important your self care routine helps you be compassionate when you see someone running low on fumes.

This helps you expands your mindset to understanding to that this is something everyone needs.

5. Helps you to boundaries

You need boundaries to function. You might be in the routine of overgiving that you don’t have time for yourself.

Slow down. You have to pour your cup first. Spend some time alone.

6. Helps you learn a new version of yourself

Many times self care helps you learn a new version of yourself. Activities that you once thought were boring might be enjoyable. You might pick up a new hobby.

Have an open mind about trying new things. You discover more of yourself when you step out of your comfort zone.

{RELATED POST: How to Start Over and Change Your Life!}

7. Improves your physical health

When you have your mind set on something your body follows. Self care activities like working out, attending Pilates or yoga studio or going for a hike.

When you see how beneficial a self care routine is you will start to be more mindful of the things you do and how it affects you.

8. Helps you build relationships with others

Self care isn’t just about you filling your cup, it’s also about you letting your cup overflow onto others. Sticking to your self care routine helps you see that mistakes happen, people are going to be people.

You are awar

9. Helps you prioritize movement

More movement will help you reduce stress and anxiety. Take time to go for a walk or run or even try the new fitness class.

Movement before you start your day helps you enter your day with a clear mind and make more well rounded decisions.

This post was all about the benefits of self care!

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