5 HEALTHY Ways: How to Have a Balanced Diet

Are you ready to learn how to have a balanced diet?

The key to having a balanced diet is fueling your body with whole, nutritious, nourishing foods that your body can use as fuel. Food is fuel, not the enemy.

We’re not here to label foods as “good” or “bad”. The truth is some foods give you more fuel than others. Some foods leave you feeling slumped and fatigued, while others boost your moood and energy.

The key to living a healthy lifestyle is balance. Balance does not mean eating a caloric deficit all times. It does not mean saying no to the slice of pizza. It does not mean restricting yourself. BUT it DOES mean staying disciplined and true to the foods that make YOUR body feel good from the inside out!

This post is all about how to have a balanced diet!

1. Start with a plan

In order to stay consistent with having a balance diet, you have to have a plan! This means planning out your meals on the weekend, meal prepping and having fresh healthy meals, ready to go!

When you plan your meals ahead of time this gives you the opportunity to grocery shop, plan out your meals so that you aren’t overspending left with the option of eating the cheeseburger for lunch.

The cost of groceries is getting ridiculously expensive on top of ordering take out multiple times a week is insane.

You have the BIGGEST advantage by cooking at home. YOU have the control of what ingredients go in YOUR food. Take this as an opportunity to get creative in the kitchen!

how to have a balanced diet

Writing it down on this meal planning pad does the trick! This allows you to see what you’re having for dinner each night and what groceries you need.

I love these because it helps me stay organized and I’m WAY more likely to stay on track if I write it down!


2. Define YOUR version of balance

At the end of the day, people can tell you want balance means, but you have to discover what balance means for you and your lifestyle!

A balanced diet isn’t about eating what you think you’re “supposed” to eat all the time. It’s about enjoying yourself! Sometimes this means pizza on the weekend or having a girls night in!

This means sticking to your plan Monday-Friday and not being afraid to enjoy tacos and margaritas on the weekend. This could also look like giving yourself grace on days when you just don’t have time!

Balance does not mean overindulging to the point where you feel sick or where you’re ruining your progress.


3. Incorporate healthy swaps

Now, a balanced diet doesn’t mean you can overeat and be upset as to why you aren’t seeing progress. You don’t have to eat what everyone else is eating just because you decided treat yourself to a night out.

You can still choose to do what’s best for yourself and have a good time!

This is where healthy swaps come in. For example, say you are craving a cheeseburger and fries for dinner. You can swap this for turkey burger with a whole wheat, multigrain bun or lettuce wrap with all your favorite veggies like tomatoes, grilled onions and sweet potato fries.

By doing this you are significantly decreasing the excess of calories, fat and carbohydrates.

This is not my way of saying that you can’t have a cheeseburger and fries but rather serves as a healthier alternative!

4. Control your cravings

Cravings are sneaky little foods that we somehow end up eating throughout the day to fill those hunger cues. Yes, they do add up over time and you might see it in your waist.

You have to get control over your cravings and the most common way to do this is to eat consistently throughout the day.

This means that you’re packing snacks to take to work and having meals on hand ready to go so that when lunch time comes around you aren’t hangry. You probably won’t make the best lunch decision when you’re hangry:)

If you order takeout for lunch make sure that your meal consists of the same key ingredients discussed in the first point.

Staying hydrated throughout the day! Take water bottle to work and make sure that it’s visible!

Pack snacks like Pillars Drinkable Greek Yogurt, Chomps Turkey Sticks, greek yogurt parfaits.

Prioritize high protein and veggies for your lunch. Yes carbs too! There are tons of sheet pan meals on Tiktok, Instagram and Pinterest to take inspo from. Make the meals fun for you!

5. Don’t restrict yourself!

Balance wouldn’t be balance without enjoying the foods you love right? This is not about restricting yourself. If you want the cookie or ice cream, PLEASE enjoy yourself!

A balanced diet is about everything in moderation.

Please don’t miss out on the chance to make memories with your friends and family over food. You can allow yourself to slightly get off your routine and easily bounce back after vacation.

This post was all about how to have a balanced diet!

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