8 Full Body Weight Loss Exercises

Are YOU ready for these full body weight loss exercises to help you TONE up for summer?

If you are looking for full body weight loss exercises then look no further! Full body workouts are the best because the target every muscle group!

These full body exercises are compound exercises meaning that it’s two exercises in one seamless movement. You get your workout done faster, you burn more calories after and you target more muscles groups at once!

If you don’t want to perform the movements as compound movements, you can separate them into 2 movements for a just as effective full body workout!

This post is all about full body weight loss exercises!

1. Squat to Shoulder Press

The first part of the this movement is a squat. Pretty simple, right?

Lower your hips from the standing position to a position almost like you want to sit down in a chair. Once you are in this position, pause, squeeze your glutes and then return to the standing position.

PS: If you want to up level this workout, add dumbbells like THESE for more resistance!

The second movement to this move is a shoulder press.

When you return to the standing position from the squat, raise your dumbbells into bicep curl position then above your shoulder so that your palms are facing away your face. Lastly, use your strength to raise the dumbbell above your shoulders.

Complete 3 sets and 12 reps.

PS: Don’t lock your elbows. There should be the slightest bend in your elbows.

Here we go with another variation of a squat combined with a lunge.

Stand with both feet in the neutral position. Take your right leg and lunge it behind your left leg in a position. Take turns alternating between both legs.

This exercise works your gluteus maximus and legs.

Complete 3 sets and 12 reps.

If you want to up level your workouts you can add sliders or hold dumbbells by your side!

The second movement is an upright row. After you complete your curtsey squat take the same dumbbells and raise the dumbbells until they are aligned with your chest.

Repeat 12 times for 3 sets.

This exercise targets your deltiods, shoulders, biceps and chest.

3. Lateral Lunge to Narrow Squat

The goal with this exercise is to move quickly. Trust me you WILL feel the BURN. Start by standing in the neutral position. Go into the squat position. Step out with the left leg until you feel a pinch in your glutes and you are in a lunge position as pictured above.

Quickly, return the same leg to the starting position (squatting) EXCEPT this time move your legs in closer together. This should be more narrow than normal squat. and repeat the same movement with your right leg.

This is a leg and glute burner so move quickly but pace yourself.

Repeat this move 12 times on each side, 3 times.

4. Glute Bridge to Skullcrusher

Begin by laying down on your on back. This would be the perfect exercise to incorporate your YOGA MAT.

Raise your glutes off the ground until you feel your glutes pinch. Squeeze them together. Release and repeat for 3 sets of 12 reps.

Up level this workout by continuing to the next movement.

This movement should begin by having the dumbbell in the neutral chest position. Take your dumbbell and reaching over head. Extend the dumbbell far enough so that your triceps feel the stretch.

Don’t let the dumbbell touch the ground because this would cause you to overextend your muscles.

Lastly, return the dumbbell to the neutral position at your chest and lower your hips.

If you’re having trouble doing both the glute bridge and skull crusher exercises all at once, feel free to break it up into two different movements so that you can get used to the movements.

Once you get the hang of the movements it should be pretty rhythmic!

This post was all about full body weight loss exercises!

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