How to Lose the Freshman 15!

Are you ready to learn how to lose the freshman 15?

I know the freshman 15 probably snuck up on you like a thief in the night. You are probably feeling exhausted and ready for a change. This isn’t the end.

Before you get ready to lose the freshman 15 just know that your identity is not tied to your weight! Seriously, it’s not.

It’s freshman year of college, give yourself some grace. You are in a huge transitional phase and let’s be real life happens. It’s okay!

Losing the freshman 15 is all about your mindset and the healthy habits you create. This will make you get out of your comfort zone but the RESULTS and the way you FEEL will make it so worth it.

This post is all about how to lose the freshman 15!

1. Create and stick to your routines!

Routines are life! If you don’t have one it’s time to create one. I know it can be difficult as a freshman considering the fact that you may live with other people.

You have to make the most of your time. Your schedule might be busy, but you have to create time.

If you are a morning person, plan to get a 30-45 minute workout done before class! This could be anything from going to the gym, attending a workout class or going for a walk/run.

Your morning routine might look something like:

  • 7AM- 7:30-45 AM: Workout

  • 8PM-9PM: Shower and eat breakfast

  • 10AM: Class

Similar to the morning, if you prefer to workout at night, make sure you get your workout in at least 1-2 hours before you go to sleep.

Your night routine might look something like:

  • 6PM- 6:30-45PM: Workout

  • 7PM-8PM: Shower and eat dinner

  • 8PM-10PM: Finish homework

  • 10:30-11PM: Bed

Of course this is just a base model. Adjust to your schedule and lifestyle so that it works for you.

Once you get a solid routine down, stick to it!

2. Intentional Movement

Now that you’ve got your routines down, it’s important to focus on intentional movement.

Intentional movement is you setting aside time to dedicate to your workout. The distance around campus and walking between classes are extra steps:)

You can’t go to the gym for 30 minutes, not really do anything and get upset when you aren’t seeing the results you want.

Be intentional with the workouts you do. If you do an upper body workout for 30 minutes, stick to it. If you do a full body workout for 30 minutes, stick to it.

Jumping around between different machines and activities in that short span of time will confuse your body. Stick to your plan.

3. What are you eating?

No really, what are you eating? The late night burritos, mixed drinks;), cookies, fried foods, candy and burgers are hurting you more than they are helping you.

Truth is you can be putting all the work at the gym and still not see the results you want. Nutrition will truly change your life and your waist line.

Simple tip: 3 larger meals plus 2 snacks will keep you fueled throughout the day!

The easiest way to cut back on some of the foods you’ve been eating is to swap it out for something healthier.

The next time you are in the dining hall or at your favorite restaurant try ordering a chicken sandwich instead of a cheese burger with fries.

When you are out at your favorite restaurants, make sure that you are getting a healthy balance of protein, carbs, healthy fats and of course veggies are unlimited.

If you were to order from Chipotle I would get a salad with brown rice, chicken, fajita veggies, pico and guac.

If you have access to a kitchen, feel free to build your own meals that way you know which ingredients are going in your meals!

Yes of course, enjoy yourself but be mindful of the foods you are putting in your body.

Don’t think you have to go on a crazy diet or juice cleanse. That isn’t sustainable or healthy. Start fueling your body with the foods that nourish you and make you feel energized.

4. How many hours of sleep are you getting?

6-8 hours of sleep each night is ideal. I know the excitement of freshman year might say different but you should be in this range.

Sleep is so so SO important if you are trying to lose the freshman 15! If you are consistently working out, your body needs rest. Rest allows your body to recover and be energized for the next day.

Even if you aren’t working out, I’m sure adjusting to a new schedule and figuring out college is all the reason to need more sleep.

No but seriously, the lack of sleep caused by late nights, stress, etc. might be the reason you are not seeing the results you want.

When you don’t sleep, your body is tense and it’s hard for you to relax. It’s the same when you are stressed. It’s more difficult for you to do things when your body is tense so you might not get the same outcome.

For example, if you are always working out while feeling stressed you might not get the results you want because it’s not the same as working out without being stressed. Our bodies keep track of more than we know.

This all goes back to your routines. Structure your nights, meetings, events, etc. so that you get everything done and enjoy yourself.

Yes, go out and have fun, just know your limit.

5. How are you showing up for yourself?

It’s so important that you continue to show up for yourself. Truth is, no one is coming to get you. No one is going to tell you to workout or make healthier decisions. It starts from within.

Showing up looks different for everyone. For you that might mean, working out 5 days a week. For others that could mean intentionally spending time with themselves.

No matter how busy your schedule gets with classes, social life, etc. you have to make the decision to commit to yourself.

Showing up for yourself is the biggest part of your journey. It’s the one thing that will take you from feeling defeated to feeling like you are on top of the world.

6. Keep healthy snacks on hand!

I know you will get hungry throughout the day so it’s important to have healthy snacks on hand so you don’t get hangry.

These are super simple snacks like Chomps, Go Macro Bars, protein drinks, smoothies, apples, bananas, etc. You can easily throw some these into your backpack or pick up while you are on campus and I promise this will SAVE you.

Having healthy snacks on hand will keep you fueled so that you don’t stress eat, overeat and make the snacks at the social function a little less tempting.

While you are snacking, make sure you are drinking water to stay hydrated, especially because you will be walking around campus all day!

If you need more snack ideas, I post a ton on Tik Tok!

7. Stop comparing yourself!

This might be the one thing that slows you down. At the end of the day, there’s really no need. You are on your own journey. You have your own path.

Weight loss journeys are not for comparison. It’s so crucial to stay in your lane because the results you crave are waiting for you on the other side.

I know you hear it all the time, we can all be doing the same workouts and eating the same meals but we are going to look different. Everybody and every BODY is different.

The more you focus on yourself and what you can control, the more likely you are to see the results you want.

Comparing only makes you stumble and distracts you from your main goal. Create a life that you love waking up to.


  1. This isn’t going to come easy. It will require sacrifice. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

  2. Losing the freshman 15 isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about changing who you are as a person.

  3. You don’t have to eat at every social function.

  4. Toxic people aren’t worth it. Seriously, just walk away.

This post was all about how to lose the freshman 15!

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