9 Transformative Tips on How To Reset Your Sleep Cycle

Are you trying to figure out how to reset your sleep cycle?

It’s time to take back control of your sleep cycle! Whether you are aware of it or not your body is on a sleep schedule.

This can easily be effected by our routines, foods and influences. I think you can agree that our schedules have been all over the place.

Other times our sleep cycles can get all out of control because of lifestyle changes or just the mere fact that you can’t fall asleep at the same time every night.

The key to resetting your sleep cycle is retraining your mind. This means figuring out what time works best for you to go sleep and wake up the next morning.

Yes, this does take time but trust me it’s so worth it!

This blog is all about how to reset your sleep cycle!

1. Check in with your routines

When you are resetting your sleep cycle the first thing you should look at is your routines. This includes your morning and night routine and everything in between.

The way you start our mornings are so important! What type of activities are you doing before you go to work? Are you a snoozer? Are you an early bird?

Whether you are aware of it or not but the way you start your morning will affect your productivity throughout the day.

Similarly, the things we do at night will most definitely affect how we sleep. What does your night routine look like?

Are you at late night scroller? Do you drink a lot before bed? Are you eating heavy meals before bed?

A few things to help with this…..limit screen time before bed. This helps calm our bodies down.

Give your food 1-2 hours to digest before bed. You won’t feel puffy before bed and it will help you wake up feeling energized the next morning.

Create solid morning and night routines because these help structure your day.

2. Create a night routine

So now that you have checked in with your night routine, it’s time to create or readjust your schedule so you can get on track with a sleep cycle that works for you!

A night routine is essential because it allows your body to slow down, relax and get ready for sleep.

You can do things like journal, stretch, drink hot tea, read, light a candle, spray your favorite essential oils and do your skincare routine.

Overtime your body will recognize these things as things you do before you go to sleep.

You will start to naturally feel more relaxed and notice that you will have a more peaceful sleep.

3. Consider a sleep boost

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you go to sleep feeling anxious, stressed or worried?

how to reset your sleep cycle

Slumber Party is the boost you need to help you get into the routine of going to bed at your desired time.

Think hot coco but with no added sugar and all the benefits. This is packed with melatonin, valerian root and chamomile (all the good things for bed time!)

This warm chocolatey drink is perfect about 30 minutes before bed and you’ll be out like a light! Rest better and stay asleep longer with Slumber Party!

I’ve been using Slumber Party for about a year and it does wonders for my sleep cycle. Whenever I need to reset my sleep cycle I enjoy this before I go to sleep. I stay asleep all night and if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night I fall right back asleep.

4. What are you eating and drinking?

Yes! The things you eat and drink can greatly impact your sleep cycle. If you are someone that eats right before you go to bed or likes heavy meals closer to the time you would go to bed like fried foods, pasta and desserts…you might want to start eating dinner a little early so your food has time to digest.

Not only is this good for your digestive system but certain foods will make you feel more bloated and than others. This can cause a lot discomfort before bed and decrease the hours of beauty sleep.

If you do find yourself hungry right before you go to bed, drink some water or have a glass of green tea. Green tea is amazing at curbing cravings and a warm drink on your stomach makes you feel amazing!

5. Journal before bed

If you are someone that goes to sleep worried and you often find that your mind is restless, journaling will help. This helps get all your thoughts out so they are not bottled up.

You can journal anything that is worrying you, a list of things you need to accomplish tomorrow or even a reflection of today. A good brain dump is so therapeutic.

This will help ease your mind and give you the confidence that today’s worries are enough and tomorrow will bring their own problems.

You’d be surprise on how many times you stay awake because you are worried about something that is out of your control. There’s a enough to worry about. Just write it down and go to bed!

6. Start adjusting your bed time

The key to fixing your sleep time is falling asleep and waking up at the same time everyday. Yes everyday even the weekend. This takes time so be patient with yourself.

You should be aiming for about 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

If you know you are an early riser, start getting ready for bed earlier to give yourself time to wind down so that you can get to bed at a decent time.

If you are a night owl, start adjusting your schedule during the late afternoon and evening to make sure you are being productive. If you are productive during these hours, this will help you want to go sleep so you can wake up feeling organized.

7. Calling all my naps lovers

If you love taking naps, try to slowly reduce the amount of times you nap. If your body is used to taking naps and all of a sudden you stopped taking naps this will put your body in shock.

If you take naps, try using that time to exercise. This will give you a boost of energy and I bet you’ll sleep amazing that night.

If you don’t like working out choose another productive activity, preferable one outside of your home so you don’t get tempted to crawl into bed.

8. Create a peaceful sleeping environment

When it comes to sleep, the environment that you are sleeping in, is everything. Things in your environment that could be affecting your sleep including smells.

Lavender is really soothing before bed. Try lighting a lavender candle or even essential oils in your diffuser.

Your bedding is a huge thing. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress along with pillows and linen set.

Trying playing calming music right before bed. If you don’t like listening to music, silence is also peaceful and it helps train your mind that it’s time for bed.

9. Exercise regularly……but in the morning

Exercising lets your muscles know that it’s time to work and be awake. This will keep you more alert during the day, but when nighttime comes your body will need from all the calories you burned.

Exercising regularly keeps your body in the routine of working out and going to sleep at a certain time.

Your body will start to form a biological clock that you can’t ignore (so you will need to sleep).

If you absolutely must workout at night try at least 1-2 hours before you sleep. This gives your body time to adjust and relax before bed so you can fall asleep at just the right time.

While I was losing 45 pounds, my body slowly began to signal that I was needing to rest more. Best part about it was, I was sleeping for longer and I actually woke up feeling energized ready to crush another workout.

The harder your body is working, the more rest it will require which will help you reset your sleep cycle.


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