How to Start Working Out When You Never Have!

Are you READY to learn how to start working out when you never have?

Starting to workout is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. The key to learning exactly how starting is just by starting.

As someone who stood right where you are and has lost 45 pounds I am giving you my BEST tips to start working out when you never have.

You are going to learn how to start working out for beginners and these are super easy to implement for your at home workouts.

This post is all about how to start working out when you never have!

  1. Baby Steps

    First, let’s take a second to breathe. No matter your shape or size, your body is beautiful. If you’ve made it this far, I’m so proud of you! Deciding to commit to yourself is the first and most important steps to working out.

    Don’t think you have to commit to everything at once. We’re going to build small habits that will help us to change our lifestyles forever.

    I want you to know that you just have to start somewhere. For some of you, it might not be the easiest decision you’ll ever make, but it will be worth it.

    Starting to work out is something that you’ll have to take it day by day. Focus on the things you can do in that moment.

    Choose to workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.

  2. Do workouts that work for you

    The only workouts you should be doing are the ones that are realistic for you. When you are first starting out, the best thing to do is to start where you can.

    If this means you are starting with a walk/run then do that! Once you get comfortable with your workout routine, begin adding weights to your routine!

    Oh and did I tell you the best part? Your workouts should only be about 30-45 minutes! Because honestly, who has more time than that?

    {RELATED POST: 8 GAME CHANGING Full Body Weight Loss Exercises}

  3. Organize your daily routine

    In order to make sure your workout gets done, developing a routine is crucial. This is the one thing that’s going to keep you showing up everyday.

    Decide if you prefer working out in the morning, mid-day or in the evening. This will help structure the rest of the day. I find that working out in the morning makes me feel so much more energized throughout the day.

    I highly recommend that you get a planner to organize your routine.

I’ve been using this daily planner and I love how it allows me to organize my daily routine.

When you get your daily planner, write down what time you plan to do your workout. When you plan your workout, feel free to add other tasks that need to get done. This will make you more excited to accomplish these things.


4. Grab your equipment!

In order to see that tone and definition in body and build lean muscle adding weights and resistance to your workout routine is where it’s at!

Equipment doesn’t have to be expensive! I would start off with 5-10 pound dumbbells and resistance bands. This is the perfect way to introduce added resistance to your body.

I use these dumbbells during my workouts and they work amazing! They were super easy to add to my home gym collection and easily transportable.

The next thing you need are slider discs!

These dual sided slider discs are perfect to add to any workout. They really help strengthen any body part. For example these are perfect for abs exercises because it helps you focus on using your core muscles when you workout.

These are also really great at sculpting your lower body muscles like thighs and butt because the resistance brings the attention to that muscle group.

Slider discs were a game changer for me because I could easily bring these to the gym and add to my home workout. I even put these in my suitcase when I travel!

If you don’t buy anything, these booty bands are a great place to start!

I love these because they are so versatile! You can add them to your lower and upper body workouts for added resistance.

5. Grab a cute outfit

Nothing motivates you more than when you have a cute workout set. Set your outfit out the night before so what you are wearing the next day. A cute outfit just gives you that extra boost of confidence you need

When you first start working out don’t spend a ton of money on an outfit. Amazon has a ton of activewear that is affordable and cute.

Okay first, this tank is less than $25. I’ve owned this tank top for about a year and I love wearing her to the gym. She’s great on days where I’m strength training and doing low intensity cardio. I love how confident I feel in wearing this because it shows off my arms and back.

You can’t go wrong with a pair of leggings less than $30. I’ve had these for about a year and I wear these for literally everything! Strength training, cardio, class, errands, you name it! These are super flattering in all the right places and boost your confidence.

Once you pair these items together, it very much gives “that girl”, ish together, healthy habits, healthy goals and CONFIDENT!

6. Track your progress!

When you start working out it’s important to track your progress. This is seriously the one thing that kept me going up on days when I felt like giving up.

The easiest way to track your progress is by taking pictures. We all love good transformation photos.

Before you start working out, take your before photos so you can see where you started. I know it’s a little awkward (I was scared to take mine, but now I’m so happy I did), but you’ll be so happy you did.

The best way to take your progress photos is by wearing a sports bra or tank and shorts or leggings. This will help you see the change in definition over time.

This post was all about how to start working out when you never have!

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