How to Stop Overeating At Night

Are you ready to learn how to STOP overeating at night?

The root cause of overeating at night is not eating enough during the day. Maybe you got busy and you were not able to eat your meals during the day. Now it’s night time and you feel like you’re playing “catch up”.

The simplest way to eliminate this feeling is by prioritizing your meals especially your protein intake. Don’t ignore your hungry cues. If you are!

This post is all about how to stop overeating at night!

1. Why do you eat late?

Let’s get down to the root cause of why you eat late at night. Is it because of your busy schedule? Do you not like eating throughout the day?

Generally, you have a tendency to eat late at night because you are not eating enough through the day. This could be because you skipped meals or are not eating enough.

2. Lean on your routines

Sometimes the reason why we are not eating enough throughout the day is because of stress. Stress can come from being unorganized or simply just having too much on your plate.

When you are stressed, you are more likely to miss those hunger cues.

If you are an emotional eater lean on working out, getting outside, workout classes, etc. instead of turning to food. Food gives you comfort in the moment, but ends up leaving your empty in the long run.

Trust that the routines you have set in place will help you stay on track. Create a morning routine where breakfast is involved. Pack your lunch and snacks for work. Enjoy a healthy meals in the evening.

3. PLAN your meals

The most realistic way you are going to stop overeating at night is by planning your meals. Set aside time to plan your meals for the week.

By planning your meals for the week, you are setting yourself up for a successful week. This helps you avoid ordering take out or other foods that might leave you feeling more slumped.

4. Keep the healthy snacks stocked

Snacking throughout the day is totally fine. Snacks are the one thing that keep you fueled in between meals. There is something about an apple in the afternoon that hits right before dinner.

You can snack on yogurt and berries, LesserEvil Popcorn, CHOMPS Sticks, energy balls, hard boiled eggs and protein smoothies.

When you have these on hand, there is less room for added junk.

5. Practice mindful eating

As you are practicing mindful eating, be mindful of what you are eating and when you are eating it.

Be aware that food is fuel and that you NEED to take to time out of your day to eat. It’s a necessity. Our bodies need to fueled.

Don’t forget about dessert! It’s okay to enjoy a treat after dinner.

This post is all about how to stop overeating at night!

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