15 Life Changing Personal Growth Tips

Are you looking for life transforming personal growth tips?

Let’s be real, personal growth is hard and most of the time it’s really uncomfortable. This process makes you really examine yourself and your actions in order to better yourself.

I am sure you have experienced something in your life that has quite literally rocked your word. Although it may have left a sour taste in your mouth, it made you stronger.

Personal growth tips are best learned when they are SIMPLE, REALISTIC and EASY to follow. This isn’t a guessing game, but you will have to try different things to see what works best for you.

Don’t worry because you are not alone. I’m sharing my best personal growth tips because these are foundational principles that have helped me grow!

This post is all about personal growth tips!

1. Control what you can control

Only focus on what you can control. I know it’s easier said than done, but stressing over what you can’t control will only stress you out more.

Make it a list of things you can control and a separate list of things can’t control. Throw away the list of things you can’t control and put more energy to things you can control.

2. Reflect on your life

You are hear for a reason. You want to grow and change for a reason. Before you can move onto the next phase of your life you have to evaluate the good and the bad.

Both of these require equal attention because they got you to the place you are today.

3. You are your biggest critic

Let’s be real, sometimes you can be your biggest critic. Every time you want to criticize yourself, replace the criticism with a positive statement.

Example: You make progress towards a goal but discredit yourself for what you didn’t accomplish.

I know it can be hard, but I promise making these small changes towards clapping for yourself makes all the difference.

4. Celebrate the “small” accomplishments

This kind of goes along with the tip above but you have to be your biggest cheerleader! Personal growth is all about celebrating yourself no matter how “big” or “small” the accomplishment is.

The more you practice celebrating your “small” accomplishments the easier it will be to celebrate the “big” accomplishments.

5. Keep a positive attitude

No matter what life throws at you, a positive attitude can make or break your situation. Even on the worst days there is something to be grateful for. There is a reason to smile.

There is a reason that you are reading this right now. If you need to be emotional, lean into it.

If you find yourself constantly complaining, try and replace it with a positive perspective.

6. Consistency is key

It’s all about consistency. This could be an area of your life like health and wellness, finances, career, etc.

As long as you are CONSISTENTLY working towards the things you want, your hard work will pay off.

7. Surround yourself by people the push you towards your purpose

The types of people you surround yourself by can most definitely make or break your future.

Have you ever seen the “good girl gone bad” type of movie or even someone in your life?

Evaluate your circle. Are the pushing you towards your purpose or pulling you away?

8. Always pour into yourself

If you don’t do anything, Always always ALWAYS take care of yourself. Self care ain’t selfish.

Taking care of yourself is a huge act of self care and it helps you return the same to others.

9. Learn from your mistakes

Make mistakes. Fall down. Get back up again. The comeback is always stronger than the setback.

10. Stay in your lane

We all have different paths. Even though it may look like you might be on the same path as someone else, does not mean that you have to be doing the same thing as them.

11. Take a break

Seriously, whatever it is that is not an emergency can wait. The work can wait, your mental health can’t.

12. You are your biggest supporter

If no one ever claps for you, you HAVE to be your BIGGEST supporter!

Let’s be real, if you waited for everyone to approve your dreams, there is no way you would be where you are at.

This means that you don’t wait for people to invest into you. You invest into you. You go after your dreams.

You are your biggest hype girl. Make a plan and stick to it!

13. Understand that this a journey

A journey isn’t a journey without ups and downs. Embrace the ebbs and flows. Everyday will not be perfect.

Progress is progress. You learn through the good and bad.

14. Invest into your passions

If you truly feel like you are feeling led to do something, take this as your sign to go for it!

What do you learn from not going for it? Who knows, that side hustle passion might turn into something more!

15. SAVE your money

Create a monthly budget and save your money. The early you start and the more disciplined you are, the better off you will be.

Set a goal for yourself. Evaluate your living expenses, debt and leisure money. Think about what you need and what you really don’t need. Sit back and watch your money grow!

This post was all about personal growth tips!

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