9 TOP RATED Amazon Gym Equipment Finds

Are you ready to get your hands on the TOP selling Amazon gym equipment?!

Soooo I know it’s that time of year where you are looking for new Amazon gym equipment because you might not know where to start! Don’t worry I’ve got you covered!

Honestly, don’t over complicate it! You don’t need a huge squat rack to squat plates in order to lose weight this year.

In order to truly start shedding some pounds, I want you challenge your body like you never have. If you are used to doing body weight exercise that means it’s time to pick up a resistance band or some a dumbbells. Change doesn’t come in comfort!

This post is all about Amazon gym equipment!

1. Resistance Bands

amazon gym equipment

I’ve been using resistance bands since I started my weight loss journey and they are a GAME CHANGER! I just recently started using these resistance bands and I already love them!

Resistance bands are one of the EASIEST way to up level your workouts. You can easily add them to your squats, fire hydrants, glute kickbacks and clamshells to really feel the burn!

2. Sliders

Amazon gym equipment

Don’t these sliders look so cute? Well, yes they are cute BUT the burn you will FEEL from using them is actually unreal!

I’ve been using these for about a year and they’ve helped elevate my workouts. They challenge my muscles when I’m doing reverse or lateral lunges. They make my abs burn when I’m doing burpees. We can’t forget about how my arms feel like jello after pushups. Can you feel the burn?

Not to mention, they are SO convenient when you need to take your gym equipment on the go. You can easily throw these into your bag and sweat it out!

3. Dumbbells

amazon gym equipment

Let’s not forget about the tried and true dumbbells. You can never go wrong with these and you’re body won’t regret it either!

Dumbbells are the most practical gym equipment piece to use with ANY workout! Adding weight especially like weight from a dumbbell will help you lose weight FAST!

I purchased these during the pandemic and they’ve stayed in good condition! Happy to say they will always be apart of my gym equipment collection!

4. Kettlebell

amazon gym equipment

Similar to a dumbbell, the kettlebell is perfect if you prefer using one.

Kettlebells are different from dumbbells because all weight is at the center instead of it being on both sides.

You commonly see these in exercises like kettlebell swings, kettlebell snatch and goblet squats. They are GREAT substitutes if you don’t have dumbbells!

It’s always good to have one handy because not every strength based workout requires a dumbbell. They are cheaper and a perfect edition to your gym equipment collection.

It’s just as effective as a dumbbell in terms of weight loss!

5. A workout bench

amazon gym equipment

Okay so this one is for my girls that are building their home gym!

A bench is a staple. It’s a necessity. It gives you stability. Lower body workouts? Got you! Upper body workouts? Even better!

It’s versatile and slender so it’s perfectly stored in your garage or workout space!

6. Large Resistance Bands

amazon gym equipment

These are another type of resistance bands that are PERFECT for ANY at home workout! Enjoy 5 different resistance so you can adjust how much BURN you want to feel.

These work great if you are warming up, pull ups and can even help you with mobility and stability.

You can easily clip these on your door anchor for an effective upper, lower and full body workout!

7. Ankle Weights

amazon gym equipment

Ankle weights are the perfect edition to ANY workout. Let’s say you are looking to increase your weight/resistance but you don’t have a heavier dumbbell.

It’s one of those sneaky ways to get to make you the extra weight might not challenge you, but it will! These can easily be added to your ankle or wrist for some serious burn!

8. A yoga mat

amazon gym equipment

This yoga mat is a staple! This is perfect if you love yoga, pilates or like working out barefoot.

This is perfect of you don’t have a dedicated workout space! Create one! Pull out your mat, grab your dumbbells and get your sweat on!

The thickness of the mat will help protect your backside while working out, easily allow the sliders to glide for an effective workout and give you stability.

You can easily add this to your workout space and store and pull out when you are ready!

9. Foam tile pads

amazon gym equipment

These mats are something that you use if you have a space, preferably large that you specifically dedicated to working out.

These workout mats give you optimal space to do all different types of workouts and give your feet some comfort.

Use these on hard surfaces like concrete in your garage or basement for the added support and it will give your workout space some style!

This post was all about Amazon gym equipment!

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