5 INSANELY Useful Tips: How to Create Goals

Are you finally ready to learn how to create goals that you’ll ACTUALLY achieve?

It’s time to create some goals! I know it can be hard to create goals which is why we’re focusing on the “how”.

This is all about creating goals that are REALISTIC and ATTAINABLE. No more creating goals that are out of reach because you feel like that’s what you’re supposed to do.

The only way you’re going to achieve your goals is by creating goals that are within reach. This way you will set yourself up for success! Creating goals and sticking with them is all a mental game!

This post is all about how to create goals!

1. Reflect on your current position

In order to move forward, it’s important that you reflect on where you are at right now. The good, the bad, and even the ugly because guess what? It’s shaped you to where you are now.

If you are looking to create goals for the New Year or even recreate goals halfway through the year, start getting into the mindset that you have already achieved your goal.

Putting yourself in this position will help you stay focused and help you prioritize the the things that are important when you are creating goals.

2. Keep your long term goal in mind

Picture your highest self and start showing up as her. Yes, having short achievable goals are important, it’s also important to know where you are headed down the road.

This could be next year, in 3 years or even 5 years. Where do you want to be physically, spiritually, financially and mentally, etc.

A key factor to this step is to write your vision down! This will help you stay focused and remind you what you are working so hard for on the days when you feel like giving up.

Once you have a vision for where you are headed it’s time to lock in. Focus, focus, focus. Write out your daily routines. This might require you to be flexible and adapt to things in your lifestyle.

3. Create healthy habits

These healthy habits should be something that you accomplish everyday. These are the habits that you wake up excited to do because they make you feel like THAT girl!

Healthy habits can include anything from waking up earlier to workout before you go to work, stretching a meditating before bed, and romanticizing your skincare routine.

Focus on creating healthy habits that will help you reach your goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds by June, all of your habits should revolve around reaching that goal.

That means that you’re working out before work, meal prepping a balanced meal, stretching and foam at night and getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep so that you can wake up energized!

Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. Healthy habits are all about to baby steps. The healthy habits you create turn into routines and routines turn into lifestyles.

In all that you are doing, who are you are becoming? At the end of the day, you can be doing the most, but who are becoming in the process?


4. Make a specific plan for your future

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Expect now, it’s time to get real specific.

Yes, this means getting out your planner or digital planner. In order for you to feel like you’re working towards your goal, what’s something that you need to accomplish everyday?

In order for you to feel like you’re working towards your weight loss goal, what do you need to do? How are you going to show up for yourself? When are you meal prepping your meals? What time are you waking up in the morning?

It’s time to get serious. Structure your days. With this, realistically picture where you want yourself to be in at the end of the month. What is it this going to require from you?

When you get specific about your goals this leaves minimal room for guessing or not doing anything. This promotes a seamless flow in your daily routine.

Studies show that when you make a specific plan as to how, what, when these habits will actually help you reach your goal more effectively.

5. Your environment should align with your goals

Now that you know where you are headed, how functional is your space in order for you to achieve these goals.

Atmosphere is everything and it can shift in an instant! A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind and if your mind is cluttered, it’s going to be pretty difficult for you to achieve your goals!

Take some time to declutter your space or at least clear the space where you plan on working so that you can focus. For example, if you wanted to start working out home, clear space where you can lock in and get your sweat in! You don’t need a ton of space! Just as long as you have space for your body, you’re set!

If you enjoy social media and content creation, create a dedicated space where you can film, store your equipment and brainstorm content ideas.

Creating a peaceful environment for you to accomplish your goals is one the most game changing things you can do for yourself and your future!

It can be the difference between deciding to stay discipline in working towards your goals or not do anything.

This post was all about how to create goals!

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