How to Start Over And CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Are you ready to UNLOCK the KEYS on how to start over?

Learning how to start over is by no means easy, but most definitely worth it! I’m so happy you’re deciding to take this step! It’s NEVER too late to start over!

Hitting the reset button whether that be in your life as a whole or on your fitness journey isn’t always easy and might be a hard “yes” but this is a journey you won’t regret going on.

Never feel like starting over is something that you have to do alone, but it is something that requires you to sit with yourself and really be honest about your journey until this point.

After you make an intentional plan about how you want to move forward, it’s time to put those words into action! It’s a new day, let’s get it!

This post is all about how to start over!

1. Access on where you’re at

In order to fully understand where you want to go, it’s important for you to understand where you’re at in this moment.

Take a moment, sit with yourself and truly reflect. What has got you to the place you are? How did you contribute to this? What outside influences are affecting you? What are things that you love that don’t love you back?

Starting over isn’t about the aesthetic things (although it can), it’s about the renewing of your mind, body and spirit.

This step isn’t meant to be full of guilt and shame, but rather honesty with yourself.

2. Set REALISTIC goals

In order to truly start over, you need to have some sort of aim so you know where you’re headed. Aim gives you focus because without it, you’ll run to the wrong things.

Let’s say you decide 2023 is YOUR year to start your fitness journey and lose weight (yay SO happy for you!)

You have to set REALISTIC goals. This means your goals are within reach for your lifestyle. For example, a realistic goal could be to meal prep for lunches for Monday-Friday.

Now let’s talk about how you’re going to get there. It would be realistic for you to carve out at least 1 hour to prep your lunches for the week. This also means that you need to grocery shop and plan your meals ahead of time.

Don’t be afraid to make the goals real personal. This is your life! You drive the boat! No one is going tell you to do the things you know you should be doing.

{RELATED POST: 9 Life Changing Healthy Habits to Lose Weight!}

3. Create healthy habits

Let’s talk about the HOW! This all depends on your healthy habits. Healthy habits might include waking up earlier to get your workout in before work or saying no to happy hour with your friends so that you CAN workout

Another example, is increasing your water intake so that you don’t feel as hungry come lunch or dinner. Taking even a few sips of water before a big meal or while your eating snacks can curve those hunger cravings and make you stop and think “do I REALLY want the cheeseburger for lunch?”

Don’t think that healthy habits is just about the food you consume. It’s the media you consume as well! The things we see on social media quite literally affects the way we see and treat ourselves.

Healthy habits are the backbone of your fitness journey and it’s the thing that will keep you going when your motivation is not at its highest. These will help you stay motivated and consistent.

Your healthy habits might look different than what works for your favorite influencer or friend so focus on what works best for you!

4. Clear your space

Clear space, clear mind right? Now that you’ve gone through and made a plan as to how you’re going to change, it’s time to clear space and declutter.

You might not realize how much your space is affecting your productivity and desire to continue on your journey, but it is.

If cleaning your entire space overwhelms you, take one section of your space at a time. For example, say you’ve been DREADING cleaning your closet. Divide up your summer and winter clothes and ask yourself if you REALLY want it? Now repeat the same steps until your space is clear to your satisfaction.

Rule of thumb: If you can’t see yourself wearing it in the next month, it’s time to donate it!

It’s out with the old and in with the new, because every time you lose or get rid of something you’re making space for something bigger and greater!

5. Get started!

Well, what are you waiting for?! Now that you have the keys on how to start over, it’s time to get started!

No more waiting around, NOW is your time! At any time, if these things aren’t working feel free to adjust and adapt. Remember: this should be based on what works for YOU and YOUR lifestyle!

Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. One thing at a time! Let’s get going! You have goals to reach!

This post was all about how to start over!

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