The Daily Self Care Checklist You Didn’t Know You Needed

Let’s get into your ultimate Daily Self Care Checklist!

Take this self care checklist with you as you go along your daily self care routine! It’s important that make time to prioritize yourself so you don’t reach burnout.

You can’t keep running on empty fumes and pouring from an empty cup. This list is designated to help you stay on top of your healthy habits and routines.

Reflect on your current routine and adjust as needed. Even through difficult times, always remember to fill your cup.

Slow down. Breathe. Take a minute to reflect and take what you need below. How will you take care of yourself?

This post is all about your daily self care checklist!

1. Physical Self Care

  • Set a timer for 10 minutes, find a space just for yourself and do your favorite workout. This will boost your endorphins and make you proud that you did it.

  • If you don’t want to workout, stretch or do yoga for 10 minutes. This can release a lot of body tension and help you to relax.

2. Mental Self Care

  • Take a social media break. You might be anxious, worried or stressed because of the things you see on social media and at the end of the day, it’s not that deep!

  • Don’t take on more than you can handle. This is most likely causing you more stress than you need. Say no to the extra project and responsibilities. If it’s going to break you, it’s not worth it!

3. Emotional Self Care

  • Self reflect. Just take time to journal, stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself or invest in a therapist.

  • Call a friend! There are friends that stick closer than a brother. Spend time with people who lift you up. Invest into people who invest into you.

4. Professional Self Care

  • Take breaks! Going speedy fast in a professional setting is not only damaging you, but your team, especially if you’re in a leadership position. There’s a time to give and pour onto others and there’s a time to step away and regroup.

  • Clear your space. You ever heard the saying “clear space, clear mind”? If your desk or work area is cluttered it’s distracting and slowing you down. Take 5 minutes to organize your files and get rid of any junk.

5. Relationship Self Care

  • Set healthy boundaries. It’s not your responsibility to always be the “yes woman”. It’s okay to say no and stay in because you want to spend time with yourself or simply because you don’t want to.

  • Schedule dates. This can be with your friends or partner. Relationships are a lot like plants. You have to water them and be patient enough to watch them grow. The more you do this the more they grow. Relationships are the same way. Pour into each other. Be patient with each other.

6. Overall Self Care

  • The key to self care is by finding balance. There’s a time for rest and a time for play. There’s a time to work and a time for a break.

  • Moving forward, practice finding a balance between showing up for yourself and allowing your love to overflow onto others.

This post was all about your self care checklist!

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