7 LIFE CHANGING Tips: How to Better Yourself & Transform Your Life

Are you ready to learn how to better yourself?

If you are reading this, congratulations on taking the first (and definitely not your last) steps on learning how to better yourself! Get ready to completely revolutionize your life!

Don’t be overwhelmed thinking that you have to do everything now. This is journey and one that requires consistency and patience.

Your probably here because need guidance and are ready for a complete life makeover. Before we begin, this is not a “quick fix”. This is lifelong commitment to yourself. The best commitment you’ll make.

This post is all about how to better yourself!

1. Identify your “why”

Why do you want to better yourself? What hole is this going to fill? What’s stopping you from bettering yourself?

Identifying your why is what keeps you rooted. Without knowing your why, you have no aim and without aim, you don’t know where you are headed.

For example, my “why” was to simply feel better about my life and myself because I felt empty and purposeless.

2. Break out of your normal routine

Focus on getting 1% better. The transformation you’re seeking won’t happen in your comfort zone.

This will require you to break your normal routine. Wake up early. Get the workout done. Change your environment.

Set your top 3 things you need to get done for the day. You can time block your schedule to help you stay focused.

You have goals, remember? There’s 4 more months left in the year. No it’s not too late. 4 months is plenty of time. You’re more than capable. It’s time to lock in.

3. Develop an exercise routine

Developing an exercise routine is all about starting where you can. Start walking. Not 3 miles (unless you want to) but 10 minutes is the ideal place to start.

Develop the habit of moving your body and this will make it easier for you to increase the intensity.

If you want a bit more than walking, bodyweight exercises are a great place to start. This is a great way to introduce exercises so that your body becomes familiar with these movements.

Ideally you can start 2-3x/week and progress from there. If the exercises ever become comfortable that moves it’s time to you to increase the intensity.

{RELATED POST: 8 GAME CHANGING Full Body Weight Loss Exercises}

4. Start eating healthier

Abs are made in the kitchen. If you’re looking to shed those pounds it’s time to start looking at what you’re eating.

The easiest way to start eating healthier is by cooking your meal at home. For example, if you love a good burger instead of going to your favorite burger place you can make it at home and I’m sure it’ll be just as good!

Head over to the grocery store and get grassfed ground beef (or ground turkey to make it extra lean), get your favorite buns (or swap for lettuce wraps) and yummy toppings.

Not only is it healthier but you’re saving money and you have leftovers!

5. Surround yourself by positive people

Your environment affects your outlook on yourself and your capabilities. You should strive to surround yourself by people that push your towards your goals and the places that you are trying to go.

This means putting yourself in new environments that help push you out of your comfort zone and propel you forward. Sometimes this looks like demoting friends that were once at the top.

Always hanging around the same people in the same places keeps you in a cycle. It’s fun. It’s comfortable. But your transformation is very limited in this cycle.

6. Start reading self improvement books

These self improvement books are a great place to start…

  1. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

  2. The Black Girl’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Paris Woods

  3. Atomic Habits by James Clear

  4. The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

These self improvement books are a great way to educate yourself on things that you might not have taught traditionally and helps you expand your mind.

They also serve as “free” therapy in a way because you don’t have to pay a therapist (lol).

7. It’s time to take action

Now that you’re equipped with the necessary tools on how to better yourself, it’s time to for change! The only way change is going to come is if you take action.

Grab your journal and write your goals, vision, desires and ambitions.

What are those gifts inside you of that need to be released?

What habits do you need to change in order for this to happen?

What environment do you need to put yourself in, in order for you to put your goals into action?

Revisit the goals you set for yourself. What actionable steps can you take to achieve those goals?

Start where you’re at. Keep your “why” in front of you and watch your dreams become your reality.

This post was all about how to better yourself!


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