How to Better Your Mental Health

Are you ready for tips on how to better your mental health?

I know it’s that time of year where your mental health may be on a decline which means now more than ever it’s important for you to stick to the your routines and habits that make you feel your best!

Bettering your mental health is all about cancelling the outside world and listening to your body. This might mean saying no to what others want you to do so that YOU can say YES to the things you want to do.

The best thing you can do is to take this time to recharge so that you bounce back feeling even better! It’s ALWAYS the little habits that lead to big transformations!

This post is all about how to better your mental health!

1. Start each morning with a grateful heart!

Take a moment to pause after you wake up and drink your morning coffee. More specifically, WRITE down what you’re grateful for. Writing it down just hits differently. It really magnifies the things you have.

Yes, there is something to be grateful for every day! You can be thankful that you woke up, that you have a warm bed, that you’re able to work, that you’re able to make a positive impact in someone’s life and the list goes on.

how to better your mental health

I have a similar variation of a journal like this. Simple, minimalistic and easy to grab when you’re ready to journal! Grabs yours HERE!

You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need and that counts for more than you think!

2. Take a break!

The slump hits all of us during this time of year. Don’t worry you aren’t alone!

Taking a break might look like, stepping away from your ever ending list, saying no to others and yes to yourself or saying no to the extra project at work.

I know it might be hard, but you won’t regret allowing yourself to rest. In a society where hustle culture is at an all time high, rest allows you to step back and reflect.

When you do this you give yourself a chance to evaluate the things that are working, strategize and make a plan to move forward.

Yes, hard work is absolutely necessary for you to build your dream live, but that doesn’t mean working 25/8.

Rest is absolutely necessary in order for you to be your best. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


3. Eat NOURISHING meals!

Yes, food does affect your mental health. It’s the difference between hitting the mid day slump from the fried food that tasted good in the moment and eating a nourishing bowl filled with your favorite protein, veggies, healthy fats and healthy carbs.

The more you nourish your body with whole foods, you’ll be more energized and it will motivate you to keep eating foods that make you feel good!

4. Spend INTENTIONAL time self care!

Heavy emphasis on intentionality because you deserve to take time for yourself guilt free. When you do it when intention there is a mind to muscle connection (kinda haha). That means that your mind, body and spirit are on the same page and aware of what you are doing.

This means choosing to stay in, doing a face mask, curled up with your favorite pajamas with your favorite book or Netflix show. Other times this means taking a hot shower and going to bed early. It doesn’t have to be expensive and doesn’t always need to require a ton of effort.

Self care is going to look different for everyone. Choose something that helps you relax, unwind and silence the outside world. If a specific activity isn’t flowing in your self care routine, don’t force it. This should come freely.

5. Spend time with positive influences!

Let’s be real, hanging around positive people just lifts up your spirits! When you’re in a rut or not in the best place mentally, spending time with the right people can significantly change your situation.

Now it’s your turn! Call some of your favorite girlfriends and head out to your favorite lunch spot, plan a girls night in, take the girls trip that you’ve been dying to take. You ALL deserve it!

6. Get active!

When in doubt, sweat it out! Sometimes, you might need a good sweat to release the stressful, negative emotion to give you an endorphin boost!

Go for a walk, run, yoga, Pilates, quick HIIT, etc. Sometimes your body might be so tense that you need a good stretching session. Commit to at least 10 minutes!

However you choose to move your body, commit to it and allow the process do what it does!

7. Hydrate!

Never underestimate the power of hydration. It can be easily forgotten, but the easiest way to combat this is keeping a water bottle on by your side to help you remember!

how to better your mental health

I’ve been using this water bottle for about 6 months and I love it because it keeps me ON TRACK! Make it your goal to drink at least 1 of these per day.

This water bottle will make sure keep you hydrated, help you stabilize your hunger cues and your MOOD. It’s a win- win situation!

This post was all about how to better your mental health!

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