9 Lifestyle Changes to Lose Weight

OMG! You NEED these lifestyle changes to lose weight!

These lifestyle changes to lose weight actually BLOW your mind. I’m so proud of you for making it this far and making the decision to show up for yourself!

Learning to change your lifestyle is all about your mindset and choosing healthy habits that work for you and your lifestyle. You have to find a balance between finding REALISTIC lifestyle changes while stepping outside of your comfort zone, because weight loss does not come with the same habits!

If you’re ready to lose weight and forever transform your life, now is the time to lock in. Keep choosing you every single day!

This post is all about lifestyle changes to lose weight!

1. Nourish your body

If you thought eating less equals weight loss, think again! You should be nourishing your body with WHOLE FOODS. Think a healthy balance of protein, veggies, healthy carbs and healthy veggies.

Don’t skip your meals! Yes it’s true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s also true that you should be eating consistently throughout the day.

I know this is going to look differently for everyone buuuttt if you’re trying to lose weight, you should be increasing your protein intake. This will require you to more throughout the day .Think about 5 meals (3 main meals and 2 snacks).

Cutting out food groups won’t cut it. You don’t have to LOVE all the breads and pasta, but it’s all about balance. No carbs will not make you gain weight, but excess of anything will.

2. Show up for yourself

You have to make the decision to show up for yourself. No matter what shape or form this looks like. You have the power to say yes to you. Say yes to things that serve you.

You can show up for yourself by going to the gym or workout classes, trying new recipes and doing more things that light your soul on fire.

Easier said than done right? Saying yes won’t always be easy. Let’s be for real, losing weight is not easy. Making those lifestyle changes to lose weight is even more difficult. It takes discipline to keep you going on the days when you don’t feel like it.

Committ to the healthy habits that make you feel like your best self. You know how you see other girls on TikTok and wish that you were them? Stop wishing you were them! You’re that girl!

Understand that showing up for yourself is going to look differently every single day. Your habits are the glue.

3. Allow your body to recovery

Recovery is just as important as showing up. Recovery whether it’s physical or mental is literally a reset.

When you give your body a chance to recover, your taking a pause from your normal routine and allowing your body to build muscle, reconstruct and reset to allow you to perform at your best.

This shouldn’t be something that you take for granted because it’s sooo crucial to weight loss. If you’re going to the gym or working out stretching and foam rolling should be in your workout routine. If this step is skipped, this can lead to muscle fatigue and make it more difficult for you to perform at your best when it comes the next workout.

This is a lifestyle change is the sense that you have to switch your mindset to “this is something I might do” to “this is something I need to do so I can be my best”.

It’s all a mental game.

4. Meal prep

I can almost promise you that meal prepping might be your new bff! Meal prepping is a GAME CHANGER!

These meal prep containers are THE BEST and they’re SUPER affordable!

lifestyle changes to lose weight

These are perfect for salads! I love how I can layer the bowl with veggies and protein. They’re super easy to grab in the morning when I’m running out of the door. I can’t recommend them enough!

Set aside 1-2 hours on your Sunday and meal prep your meals for the week. Remember a healthy balance of protein, veggies, healthy carbs and healthy fats are key to lose weight.

The easiest way to meal prep batch cooking your key ingredients. That means your cooking enough chicken, green beans and brown rice with a side of avocado, ready to go for the week! To give it a little more flavor add your favorite sauces.

This is the most useful way to meal prep because you change up how you use those ingredients. One day you can use them for a loaded chicken salad and then next can be used for gluten free pasta!

Can we talk about saving time AND money?!

5. Control your portions

Girl, if you’re hungry eat! You’ll notice that when you start working out your body will crave food because your burning more calories throughout the day and say it with me “FOOD IS FUEL”.

Now with that being said it’s important that you don’t eat everything in large portions. Yes, food is fuel, but at the end of the day excess is excess.

Follow this rule for each meal:

Protein: 4-5 oz (about the size of your palm)

Veggies: About 1 cup (but unlimted really haha)

Healthy carbs: 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup

Healthy fats: about 1/4 of an avocado or 1 tbsp of almond butter

6. Get your steps in where you can

This isn’t your normal 5K-10K talk. I don’t want you to put so much pressure on yourself hit a certain number.

In the beginning stages, start small. Choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you work from home, take intentional time to leave your workspace and go for a walk, even if it’s a mini one. Instead of taking your work call at your desk, go outside for a walk.

It’s the little changes like these that lead to huge transformations.

7. Romanticize your life

I know this is something sooo popular all of Tiktok and Instagram, but it’s so true. Romanticizing your life is all about being intentional the things you want to do, no matter how “big” or “small”.

Let’s break it down even more. Romanticizing your skincare routine could look a lot like slowing down and really enjoying the moments. It’s soaking in the smells of your favorite moisturizer as it glides all over your face. It’s acting like as if you have everything you could ever want even though you might not.

You can repeat these same steps for different areas of your life. Romanticizing these things makes it that much more enjoyable because if you don’t wake up excited to do these things, it will be harder for you to actually stay consistent.

Don’t undermine this lifestyle change because losing weight is not only about the outer, but sooo much about the things in your heart. That’s where the glow comes from/

8. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Not only do you need hydrate because it’s essential but it helps soo much with your hunger cues. Many of the times you might be thirsty, but reach for the iced latte instead. You could be hungry, but in reality your body is telling you that you need to hydrate

The simple solution to keep you on track is right here!

lifestyle changes to lose weight

This water bottle allows you to EASILY stay on track with your water goals throughout the day! The time stamps ensure that your staying hydrated AND the motivational affirmations make it even better!

I’ve been using this water bottle for about 6 months and when I tell you that my water intake has INCREASED, I’m not lying! It really has. When I’m at home, I keep this water by my side at all times and I even take it to work. 10/10 recommend!

9. Adapt to change

Trying to find lifestyle changes that work for you for take. That means you might try some things and not like it or try some things and totally love it.

Regardless of which boat you sit in, become content with the fact that you might not get it right the first time and that’s okay! Your progress won’t be gone.

Let’s be real, life be lifin’! This leaves you with no choice but to switch things up, so embrace it!

Give yourself grace. Celebrate the accomplishments, no matter how big or small because you making it this far is an accomplishment!

This post was all about lifestyle changes to lose weight!

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