How to Stay Consistent With Working Out

Are you FINALLY ready to learn how to stay consistent with working out?

I know sometimes it can be hard to stay consistent with working out especially when you feel like your motivation is gone! The key to consistency is routines and your mindset!

Routines are built on healthy habits that ultimately make sense for your lifestyle. Your mindset can change a situation in an instant.

Consistency with your workout routine is heavily based on your “why”. Stick to your routines, healthy habits and focus on your mindset and watch your body change!

This post is all about how to stay consistent with working out!

1. Your mindset is key

Being consistent with your workouts is all about your mindset. If you have it in your mind that you are going to wake up in the morning and workout, then do it. If you prefer working out in the evening, then plan on that.

The easiest way to get into the right mindset is by speaking it into existence, writing it down, and putting it on a vision board!

Having a firm understanding of your “why” will also help you stay grounded. Keep your “why” in the front of your mind so that you remember why you started and why you want to stay consistent with your workouts.

Once you have decided that your going to stay consistent with your workouts this will make it easier to stay on top of your goals!

2. Lean into your healthy habits

Now that you’re mentally locked it, it’s time to lean into your healthy habits. These are the habits that make you feel like that girl!

Some healthy habits include waking up early, making your bed, praying/mediating, drinking celery juice, having a pre workout snack and working out before getting started with the day.

Consistency with working out doesn’t start with doing the actually workouts themselves. It flows from everything else you do. If you start off your morning by committing to those things that make you feel like energized and on top of your game, then you’re more likely to keep the momentum going.

Now is the time more than ever for you to decide which healthy habits are serving you and motivate you to keep going and which ones are limiting you.

I promise you, the little habits ALWAYS add up to HUGE results!

3. Stick to your routines

Now that your healthy habits are formed, you’ve basically created a routine! Routines are going to help with structuring your workouts into your days and deciding what works best for you.

Once you’ve decided that you have a routine that works for you, STICK TO IT! There’s nothing wrong with being that girl that loves her routines.

Your routines give you structure and keep you on track.

With that being said, everyday isn’t going to be perfect right? Be sure to give yourself grace for the times you slip. Tomorrow is the perfect day to begin again!

4. Do workouts that you actually like

Gone are the days where you’re going to force yourself to do workouts that you don’t enjoy or that your body just doesn’t vibe with.

The key to consistency is doing EASY, REALISTIC and let’s be real at home workouts that are around 30 to 45 minutes.

Trust me you can work up a good sweat in 30 minutes. I lost 45 pounds doing it!

Once you find something that works for you, you’re more likely to enjoy it and the consistency aspect of your journey might not be as difficult.

5. Prioritize recovery

It’s very difficult for you to stay consistent with working out when your muscle are fatigued and you aren’t prioritizing recovery.

The process of recovery allows your muscles to relax, reset, burn fat and build new muscle. This can be done through self myo fascial stretches like foam rolling.

how to stay consistent with working out

I love this foam roller because the ridges feel just like a deep tissue massage! This feels AMAZING on my thighs and my muscles feel sooo much better after!

Recovery also includes doing your warm ups and cool downs before and after your workouts. Warm ups prepare your muscles for the workout and cool down allow you heart rate to decrease and muscles to cool down.

This post was all about how to stay consistent with working out!

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