6 Tips on How to Start Losing Weight That Actually Work!

Are you ready to learn how to start losing weight?!

It’s actually easier than you think! Yes that’s right, weight loss does not have to be complicated.

It’s very attainable and you are totally capable of doing it. Forget the trendy habits. It’s time to lock in right where you are at.

Think about all the ways you can add value to your life through simple habits that you can implement in your daily routine. Stay consistent and watch the pounds shed.

This post is all about how to start losing weight!

1. Focus on your mindset

Your mindset will drive your actions. You have understand that the only thing between you and your weight loss goals is you.

You have to show up everyday. You have to tell yourself that you are capable of working out and you will lose weight. Your hard work will pay off!

It shouldn’t be looked as a punishment. Working out is a form of self care and self care is a way that you pour into yourself.

2. Control your portions

One of the contributors to weight loss and weight gain is due to food. Overeating and under eating contribute to weight loss and weight gain.

When you are plating your meals, ONLY fix the amount of food that you are going to eat.

While you are eating, be aware of your hunger cues. Slow down between bites. Don’t be in a rush to eat your food…it’s not going anywhere!

3. Stick to your workout routine

Weight loss is all about sticking to your workout routine. Staying consistent with your routine will help lead to transformational results!

Your workout routine should be something that fits your lifestyle. When you first start losing weight cardio is a great place to start! It’s free and the right amount of challenge.

When you get comfortable with your cardio routine, add strength training into the mix!


4. Set REALISTIC goals

You really start to see the pounds shed when you set realistic goals for your weight loss journey. Those goals don’t always have to be a number specific goal like (I want to lose 5 pounds.)

Your goals can be as simple as cooking dinner at home once a week, working out before work three times a week for 30 minutes or prepping your lunch 3 times a week.

When you set realistic goals they should be within reach almost as if they’re too easy to accomplish.

5. Embrace rest

When you start losing weight, rest is essential. Rest allows your muscles to repair after all your hard work. This allows you to come back even stronger the next workout.

Aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Don’t workout excessively thinking it will lead to “faster” weight loss. This will only lead to burnout and possibly weight gain form the extensive stress put on your body.

Rest and trust the process.

6. Understand that weight loss is a journey

Understand that there’s no rush to weight loss. You really do have to take it day by day. Trust that the work you are putting in, WILL pay off because it WILL.

No matter what, keep showing up for yourself. Keep pushing yourself. Growth doesn’t come in your comfort zone.

You have the power to start this journey, see it through and make it a lifestyle!

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