How to Stay Motivated to Workout Even When You Don’t Feel Like It!

Are you ready to learn how to stay motivated to workout?

Motivation is a mindset. You wake up every single day and decide that you are going to workout.

Although motivation gets you started, discipline is the key to keep your motivation going. Staying motivated to workout is all about sticking to what you know.

Think about the things or habits that have gotten you to the point to where you are. It’s not the most extravagant things. It’s the small habits that lead to a big transformation!

This post is all about how to stay motivated to workout!

1. Focus on your “why”

Staying rooted in your why will always keep you going. When you lose sight of your “why” it slows you down.

Your why should be rooted in something bigger than you. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, your why could be because you want to feel good, to be healthy and to be strong.

There’s nothing wrong with your why being wanting to lose 10 pounds, but I want you to think. What happens when you lose those 10 pounds? What does your why turn into?

2. Pick a workout routine that works for you

If you know that you prefer to workout in the morning, create a workout routine that fits your lifestyle. For example, an example of a beginner workout schedule looks like this

  • Monday: Lower Body Blast

  • Wednesday: Upper Body Fire

  • Friday: Full Body Sculpt

If lifting weight everyday is too much for you, don’t do it! If you don’t want to workout 5-6 times a week, don’t do it!

Start where you can. Start small. Make it simple. Show up right where you are.


3. Set goals!

Your motivation and discipline increases when you set goals. Goals keep you on track. They keep you connected to your why.

Your goals should be realistic and more than doable while still being a bit of a challenge.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight your goal could be to workout for 30 minutes before work Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

4. Set a time to workout

When you set a time to workout you’re more likely to show up and get it done! It’s like have a set time to get work done.

If you are a calendar gal, calendar blocking your workout will really keep you on track. Structure your day so that your workouts are a non negotiable.

For example, if you like to workout after work, plan to complete your workout from 5:00PM-5:45PM. This way you know exactly what time you to show up without guessing!

5. Make your workouts fun!

Turn on a fun playlist that gets you going, put on a cute workout set and get to it!

This is time for you to silence your mind, show up for yourself without any distractions and be your element!

6. Incorporate new workouts into your routine

If you are someone that finds your workouts to be mundane after a while, it might be time to incorporate new workouts into your routine.

Sign up for a workout class like hot yoga, Pilates, boxing, cycling, etc! Routines are amazing, but sometimes you need a new workout to motivate you to keep going.

This post was all about how to stay motivated to workout!

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